Driving sustainable development in line with the UN SDGs will create a more prosperous world, to live in today and to pass on tomorrow

To enable real-world impact aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals, we will:

  • work with our UN partners to deliver the SDGs;
  • set out steps and develop tools for investors to align their investment activities with the SDGs;
  • encourage investors to seek corporate responsibility enhancements that advance the SDGs;
  • encourage capital towards projects with positive, real-world impact;
  • introduce the SDGs into PRI Reporting Framework;
  • map our work against the SDGs, and report on our contribution towards them; and
  • engage policy makers to encourage public policy that supports the SDGs.

Investing with SDG outcomes: A five-part framework

Expectations from beneficiaries, clients, governments and regulators over how investors should respond to environmental and social issues have changed – driven by increased visibility and urgency around many of the Sustainable Development Goals.

To meet the SDGs, investors must understand how they can increase the positive outcomes and decrease the negative outcomes arising from their actions.

As part of our work to help investors do this, and to enable real-world impact aligned with the SDGs, we published a major report, Investing with SDG outcomes: A five-part framework.

  1. Identify outcomes
  2. Set policies and targets
  3. Investors shape outcomes
  4. Financial system shapes collective outcomes
  5. Global stakeholders collaborate to achieve outcomes in line with the SDGs

The framework has been refined through an extensive consultation process with internal and external parties, including with signatories at PRI in Person in Paris, the PRI Board, the SDG Advisory Committee and key partners.

This report follows our previous work on the SDG investment case – which laid out why the SDGs are relevant to investors, why there is an expectation that investors will contribute and why investors should want to.

Going forward, we will assist signatories seeking to shape outcomes in line with the SDGs, for each part of the framework.

Following consultation with signatories on revising the PRI Reporting Framework, we will also include an initial set of outcomes questions in the pilot year of the new Reporting Framework in 2021.

To read more about our SDGs work, click here.

Prevalence of SDG references in PRI reports 2018-2020

Prevalence of SDG references in PRI reports 2018-2020

Number of reporters per year: 1449 (2018), 1710 (2019), 2099 (2020)

Nearly 31% of investors referred to the SDGs in their PRI reports for 2020 reporting cycle, compared to 24% in the previous year.

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