After more than 10 years in operation, the PRI is more mature in many areas – including as an employer. We are increasingly recognised as a desirable place to work, and are benefiting from being able to attract growing pools of candidates for roles at both the senior and junior level.


Staff engagement score: 75%
(PRI target: 75%)

Getting the best people

We have received good results from using the Applied recruitment tool, which brings a more data-driven, more collaborative and more objective approach to screening candidates.

  • Setting candidates representative questions helps us to more practically asses people’s ability to do the job in question than by screening CVs.
  • Anonymising answers helps to avoid unconscious biases from erroneously diverting attention to/from particular candidates based on factors relating to identity/background, such as geography, race, gender or socioeconomics.
  • Isolating a candidates’ responses from each other helps to remove the halo/horn effect of strength/weakness in one area unduly affecting the impression of other areas.



Staff gender ratio: 59:41 (F:M)
(PRI target: 50:50)

Organising ourselves to deliver maximum signatory value

As part of our 2018-21 strategy, we committed to conduct an organisational review once we had grown to more than 100 employees. The review conducted last year included:

  • scoping how our geographical coverage will evolve as the signatory base grows;
  • developing new business/project planning process and systems;
  • mapping typical signatory journeys;
  • evaluating the management structure and realigning decision-making.

As such, 2018/19 has been an important year for laying new foundations for the PRI, and we must now focus on embedding those changes and assessing whether they are delivering the value expected.


The UK’s status within the European Union

European Union and British Union Jack flag flying in front of Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament at Westminster Palace, London, in symbol of the Brexit EU referendum

Risks for existing staff associated with the UK’s planned exit from the European Union (EU) is diminished following the EU Settlement Scheme, which opened for applications in March 2019. We are supporting relevant staff (EU, EEA or Swiss citizens without indefinite leave to remain in the UK) in applying to this scheme, and to date almost half have been confirmed with settled or pre-settled status.

The longer term implications on the ability of the PRI’s London headquarters to attract and retain the right staff are difficult to predict, particularly without knowing under what terms, if any, the UK’s exit will be negotiated. Approximately 25% of recruitment over the past two years has been from the EU.

