Driving sustainable development in line with the UN SDGs will create a more prosperous world, to live in today and to pass on tomorrow

Impact investing market map

Over the last decade, impact investing has shifted from being a disruptive concept to a complex and rich investment ecosystem. With this in mind, the PRI launched the Impact investing market map. Based around ten thematic areas, it aims to bring clarity over how to identify mainstream impact investing companies and thematic investments.


Read the Impact investing market map

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

There has been demand from signatories for the PRI to provide guidance and leadership on what the SDGs mean for them. Demand varies between a small number of very active signatories, wanting to be part of agenda-setting work on contributing to the Goals, and a large majority who want to better understand the Goals’ relevance to them, what their sphere of influence is and where they can start.


We held a US events series Addressing Systemic Risk: The SDGs bringing signatories together in New York, Washington and San Francisco to discuss the value of the Sustainable Development Goals as a tool to assist fiduciary investors contribute to a resilient financial system and address systemic risk in their investment processes.

In Brazil we trialled, in partnership with UN Global Compact, the first in what will become a series of SDG investment forums. These forums will help to ensure that the private sector is aware of SDG investment opportunities, and understand the wider developmental role they can play by taking advantage of them. The forums will also bring in representatives from governments so that they can better understand the challenges companies and investors face when aligning their strategies with the SDGs. The Brazil forum brought together nearly 200 participants from both the public and private sector alongside representatives from the UN, civil society and academia.

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