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Dear signatories,

The first quarter of the calendar year provided an opportunity to review our plans for the next phase of the PRI’s development.

We welcomed Conor Kehoe, who chaired his first PRI Board meeting in January, following the end of Martin Skancke’s nine-year tenure.

We launched our plans for a new PRI strategy, aiming to respond to the changing world around us and better equip the PRI to deliver on our shared mission. I would like to thank all signatories who participated in our formal consultation on the strategy, and I look forward to updating you further in due course.

And with a view to deepening our understanding of the path towards a sustainable and equitable global financial system, we launched the Reynolds & Gifford PRI Grant.

The Grant celebrates the contributions of my two predecessors as PRI CEO and will provide funding to selected research activities over a five-year period.

Looking to the year ahead, we also released our 2024 Reporting Framework in February – well in advance of the reporting window – and shared our plans for this year’s PRI in Person conference, being held in Toronto from 8-10 October.

I look forward to continuing to work with you throughout the year.


David Atkin

Executive summary

Organisation updates


The PRI Board highlights its 2024-25 priorities: new strategy, signatory engagement and succession planning. A formal signatory consultation on the strategy is ongoing to better equip the PRI to deliver its mission in a changing world. The 2024 PRI Board annual election is for three asset owner representative positions and one investment manager representative position.

Initiatives and collaboration


PRI in Person 2024 in Toronto is set for October, featuring over 40 hours of content across three days, including a series of side events to be announced. Early bird rates available until 6 June.

The PRI is also allocating £300,000 over five years, starting in 2024, for the Reynolds & Gifford PRI Grant. Interested parties are invited to submit an expression of interest by 28 June 2024.

Products, tools and resources


In response to an increasing concern by signatories about nature-related risks, we have developed a series of guides and tools including an introduction to biodiversity for asset owners and a technical guide to developing a biodiverse policy.

Global responsible investment trends: inside PRI reporting data reviews key themes and trends in signatory practice, drawn from 2023 PRI reporting. See this video for everything you need to know about completing 2024 reporting.

Signatory update


The PRI now has 5,345 signatories, of which 736 are asset owners. New signatories include Penjana Kapital and MAVCAP (both headquartered in Malaysia), LD Pensions (Denmark) and KKR (Japan).