To help with the adoption of the Principles internationally, we provide key resources in French, Japanese, Mandarin, Portuguese and Spanish and in other languages where possible.

We identified these five priority languages based on the number of signatories these language cover, and the extent to which English is spoken there.

Although most of our content is produced in English, approximately half of our 3,000+ signatories are based in non-native English-speaking countries – a figure we expect to grow as our mission continues to take root around the world.


Arabic (عربى)

About the PRI

Document title Arabic translation
Principles for responsible investment

مبادئ الاستثمار المسؤول (PDF, 4.7MB)

French (Français)

PRI Academy

The PRI Academy's course, RI for Trustees is offered in French.

About the PRI

Document title French translation
2024 July - September Quarterly signatory update Actualités trimestrielles des PRI juillet à septembre 2024 (PDF, 3.66MB)
2024 April - June Quarterly signatory update Actualités trimestrielles des PRI avril à juin 2024 (PDF, 3.8MB)
2024 January - March Quarterly signatory update Actualités trimestrielles des PRI janvier à mars 2024 (PDF, 5.8MB)
2023 October - December Quarterly signatory update Actualités trimestrielles des PRI octobre à decembre 2023 (PDF, 2.63MB)
PRI Strategic Plan 2024-27 Plan Stratégique des PRI : 2024-27
Bilan du Programme Francophone : 2017-2021 Bilan du Programme Francophone : 2017-2021 (Web article)

Asset owners

Document title French translation
Asset owner manager selection guide Guide à l’usage des investisseurs institutionnels pour la sélection des sociétés de gestion (PDF 1.39MB)
An asset owner’s guide to TCFD recommendations Mise en œuvre des recommandations de la TCFD : Guide à l’usage des investisseurs institutionnels / détenteurs d’actifs (PDF 1.19MB)
Developing and updating a responsible investment policy Élaboration et mise à jour d'une politique d'investissement responsable (PDF 5.28MB)
Diversity, equity and inclusion DDQ for institutional investors QDD relatif à la diversité, à l’équité et à l’inclusion pour les investisseurs institutionnels (PDF 0.57MB)
Investment policy: process and practice Politique d’investissement : processus et pratiques (PDF 1.85MB)
NZAOA Target Setting Protocol – Second edition NZAOA – Protocole de fixation des objectifs – Seconde édition Download form
Stewardship for sustainability: Evaluation tool L’engagement en faveur des enjeux de durabilite outil d'evaluation (PDF 0.69MB)
Stewardship for sustainability: Responsible investment DDQ L’engagement en faveur des enjeux de durabilite questionnaire de diligence raisonnable (PDF 0.61MB)

Environmental, social and governance issues (ESGs)

Document title French translation
Considering climate change in sovereign debt Prendre en compte les changements climatiques dans la dette souveraine (PDF, 2.12MB)
Integration of ESG factors into private equity Intégration des critères ESG dans le capital-investissement (Web article)
Climate change and the just transition: a guide for investors Changement climatique et transition juste : Guide pour orienter l’action des investiseurs (PDF, 1.31MB)
TCFD recommendations country review: France Recommandations de la TCFD : Etude des éléments pertinents à l’échelle locale – France (PDF 1.19MB)
Responsible investor response to Covid-19 Réponse des investisseurs responsables face au Covid-19 (PDF, 601KB)
Investors facing climate change w / Novethic Les investisseurs face aux changements climatiques w/ Novethic (Web article)
ESG issues in credit risk and financial ratings: workshop in Paris Les enjeux ESG dans le risque crédit et les notations financières : atelier à Paris (PDF, 396KB)
An introduction to responsible investment: human rights Guide d'introduction aux droits humains pour les investisseurs institutionnels (PDF, 2.58MB)
Why and how investors should act on human rights Pourquoi et Comment les Investisseurs Doivent Agir pour les Droits Humains (PDF, 1.05MB)
The Investor Agenda_ICAPs Guidance Plans d’action climatique des investisseurs (ICAP) – Investor Agenda (PDF, 14.76 MB)

Fiduciary duty

Document title French translation
Fiduciary duty in the 21st century: a roadmap for Canada L’obligation fiduciaire au 21e siècle : feuille de route pour le Canada (Web article)
Fiduciary duty in the 21st century: international  declaration on the obligations and duties of investors Fiduciary duty in the 21st century: declaration internationale sur les obligations et les devoirs des investisseurs (PDF, 1.10MB)

Investor tools

Document title French translation
PRI Reporting Framework 2023 Reporting des PRI 2023 (ZIP, 19.87MB)
Reporting Framework Glossary Glossaire de reporting (XLSX, 37KB)

Listed equity

Document title French translation
A practical guide for active shareholders in listed equity Guide pratique pour l’actionnariat actif dans les sociétés cotées (PDF, 2.30MB)


Document title French translation
A Legal Framework for Impact: sustainability impact in investor decision-making Impact sur la durabilité dans la prise de décision des investisseurs (PDF, 0.7MB)
Canada: Integrating sustainability goals across the investment industry Canada: Intégrer des objectifs de durabilité dans l’ensemble du secteur des placements (PDF, 0.81MB)

Reponsible investment

Document title French translation
What is responsible investment? Qu’est-ce que l’investissement responsable? (PDF, 1.1MB)
An introduction to responsible investment: policy, structure and process Introduction à l’investissement responsable : politique, structure et processus (PDF, 815KB)
Introduction to responsible investment : selecting, appointing and monitoring investment managers Introduction à l’investissement responsable : Sélection, Nomination et Suivi des Sociétés de Gestion (French) (PDF, 870KB)
An introduction to responsible investment: obligations Introduction à l’investissement responsable : obligations (PDF, 857KB)
An introduction to responsible investment: climate change for asset owners Introduction à l’investissement responsible : les changements climatiques pour les investisseurs institutionnels (PDF, 1.49MB)
An introduction to responsible investment: real estate Introduction à l’investissement responsible : immobilier (PDF, 1.04MB)
Responsible investment due diligence questionnaire (DDQ) for infrastructure and other real assets Questionnaire d'audit préalable (due diligence) sur l'investissement responsable pour les investissuers en infrastructures et autres (DOCX, 0.39MB)
Introduction to responsible investment : stewardship Introduction à l’investissement responsable : Engagement (dialogue et vote) - French (PDF, 0.67MB)
Introduction to responsible investment: corporate governance for asset owners Introduction à l’investissement responsable : Gouvernance d'entreprise pour les investisseurs institutionnels - French (PDF, 0.9MB)
Introduction to responsible investment: biodiversity for asset owners Introduction à l’investissement responsable la biodiversité pour les investisseurs institutionnels (PDF, 0.78MB)
Developing a biodiversity policy: A technical guide for asset owners and investment managers Élaborer une politique de biodiversité: guide technique pour les investisseurs institutionnels et les societés de gestion (PDF, 0.75MB)
Responsible investment due diligence questionnaire for the use of limited partners (LPs) Questionnaire de due diligence en investissement responsable a l’usage des LPs (Web article)
A blueprint for responsible investment Plan d’action pour l’investissement responsable (PDF, 3.71MB)
Progression pathways: advancing responsible investment practices among PRI signatories Parcours de progression: Promouvoir les pratiques d'investissement responsable parmi les signataires de PRI (PDF, 0.88MB)

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Document title French translation
Investir avec les odd : cadre de référence en cinq parties Investir avec les odd : cadre de référence en cinq parties (PDF, 1.06MB)

German (Deutsch)

About the PRI

Document title German translation
Principles for responsible investment Prinzipien für verantwortliches investieren (PDF, 5.3MB)

Investor tools

English document German translation
Fixed income investor guide Leitfaden für fixed-income-investoren (PDF, 2.59)

Italian (Italiano)

About the PRI

Document title Italian translation
Principles for responsible investment I principi per l’investimento responsabile (PDF, 5.3MB)

Japanese (日本語)

PRI Academy

Find out more about the PRI Academy's courses in Japanese

About the PRI

Document title Japanese translation
PRI Strategic Plan 2024-27 2024~27年PRI戦略計画 (PDF 2.45MB)

Asset owners

Document title Japanese translation
An introduction to responsible investment: Biodiversity for asset owners 責任投資の入門ガイド:アセット・オーナー向け生物多様性ガイド (PDF, 1.19MB)
Asset owner strategy guide: How to craft an investment strategy  アセット・オーナー戦略ガイド:投資戦略の策定方法 (PDF, 1.31MB)

Asset owner manager selection guide

アセット・オーナーのための資産運用会社選定ガイド (PDF, 2.71MB)
Implementing the TCFD recommendations: a guide for asset owners 気候関連財務情報開示タスクフォース(TCFD)提言の実施(アセット・オーナー向けガイド) (PDF, 1.37MB)
Aligning values: Why corporate pension plans should mirror their sponsors  価値観を一致させる: 企業年金基金にスポンサーを反映すべき理由 (PDF, 1.22MB)

Climate change

Document title  Japanese translation
Climate risk: An investor resource guide 気候リスク 投資家向け リソース・ガイド (PDF 0.77MB)
Climate Action 100+ 2019 Progress Report 2019 年進捗報告書 (PDF, 6.4MB)

Climate Action 100+ 2020 Progress Report

2020 年進捗報告書 (PDF, 7.5MB)
Climate Action 100+ 2021 Progress Update 2021 年のレビュー 最新の進捗状況 (PDF, 1.81MB)
Climate Action 100+ 2022 Progress Update 2022 年の進捗状況 (PDF, 9MB)
Climate Action 100+ 2023 Progress Update 2023 年の進捗状況 (PDF, 4.21MB)
Climate Action 100+ Asia Engagement Guide 2022 edition アジアでのエンゲージメントに関する投資家ガイド 2022 年版 (PDF, 4.25MB)

Environmental, social and governance issues (ESGs)

Document title Japanese translation
Aligning expectations: incorporating ESG factors into manager selection, appointment and monitoring) 期待の一致 資産保有者が ESG 要因を運用会社の選定、 指定、モニタリングに取り入れるための ガイダンス (PDF, 587KB)
TCFD country reviews – Japan 気候関連の 財務情報開示に関する タスクフォースの提言 – 国別レビュー 日本 (PDF, 609KB)
ESG engagement for fixed income investors: Managing risks, enhancing returns 債券投資家のためのESGエンゲージメント リスク管理からリターンの向上まで (PDF, 6.99MB)
Shifting perceptions: ESG, credit risk and ratings (Part 1: The state of play)  変化する展望 第1部: ESG、信用リスク、格付け (PDF,  2.52 MB)
Shifting perceptions: ESG, credit risk and ratings (Part 2: Exploring the disconnects (PDF, Size 1.21 mb) 変化する展望 第2部: ギャップの調査 (概要) (PDF, 1.21 MB)
Shifting perceptions: ESG, credit risk and ratings (Part 3: From disconnects to action areas) 変化する展望 第3部:ギャップを埋めるための行動(概要) (PDF,  1.41MB)
Impact investing market map インパクト投資市場マップ(概要) (PDF, 4.37MB)
Why and how investors should act on human rights 投資家が人権を尊重するべき理由およびその方法 (PDF, 1.43 MB)

Listed equity

Document title Japanese translation

Introductory guide to collaborative engagement

協働エンゲージメントの 基本ガイド 企業との対話における機関投資家間の 効果的な協働のための方策 (PDF, 2.86KB)
Integrated analysis: How investors are addressing ESG factors in fundamental equity valuation 統合分析: 株式のファンダメンタル分析において 投資家が環境、社会、ガバナンス要因 に対応する方法 (PDF, 1.43MB)

PRI 2021-24 Strategy

Document title Japanese translation
PRI 2021-2024 Strategy plan PRI の戦略的計画 2021–24年 (PDF, 13.99 MB)


Document title Japanese translation
A Legal Framework for Impact: sustainability impact in investor decision-making インパクトをもたらす投資に関する法的枠組み (PDF, 1.02 MB)

Private markets

Document title Japanese translation
Technical guide: TCFD for real assets investors テクニカル・ガイド実物資産(不動産、インフラ、森林・農地)向け投資家のための TCFD (PDF, 7.33 MB)

Responsible investment

Document title Japanese translation
A blueprint for responsible investment 責任投資の ビジョン (PDF, 5.51MB)
An introduction to responsible investment: What is responsible investment? 責任投資の入門ガイドー責任投資とは何か (PDF, 1.16MB)
An introduction to responsible investment: Policy, structure, and process 責任投資の入門ガイドー方針、ストラクチャーおよびプロセス (PDF, 971KB)
An introduction to responsible investment: Listed equity 責任投資の入門ガイドー上場株式 (PDF, 1.13MB)
An introduction to responsible investment: Fixed income 責任投資の入門ガイドー債券 (PDF, 993KB)
An introduction to responsible investment: Private equity 責任投資の入門ガイドープライベート・エクイティ (PDF, 1.26MB)
An introduction to responsible investment: Climate change for asset owners アセット・オーナー向け 気候変動入門ガイド (PDF, 1.636MB)
An Introduction of Responsible Investment – Real Estate 責任投資の入門ガイドー不動産 (PDF, 1.07MB)
An Introduction of Responsible Investment – Stewardship 責任投資の入門ガイドースチュワードシップ (PDF, 1.02MB)
Responsible investment in private equity: A guide for LPs プライベート エクイティにおける 責任投資とは (PDF, 764KB)
Responsible investment due diligence questionnaire for infrastructure investors インフラファンド投資家向けESG関連 Due Diligence Questionnaire(デュー・デリジェンス質問リスト)(PDF, 0.22 MB
An introduction to responsible investment: selecting, appointing and monitoring investment managers 責任投資の入門ガイドー運用会社の選定、指名、モニタリング (PDF, 1.3MB)
Progression Pathways: advancing responsible investment practices among PRI signatories プログレッション・パスウェイ (PDF, 1.39MB)

Reporting and assessment

Document title Japanese translation
PRI Reporting Framework 2018 PRI報告フレームワーク (PDF)
PRI Reporting Framework 2019 PRI報告フレームワーク (ZIP)
PRI Reporting Framework 2020 PRI報告フレームワーク (ZIP)
PRI Reporting Framework 2021 PRI報告フレームワーク (ZIP)
PRI Reporting Framework 2023 PRI 報告フレームワーク (ZIP, 20.01MB)


Document title Japanese translation
Investing with SDG outcomes: a five-part framework SDGの成果を伴う投資 5つの枠組み (PDF 1MB)

Korean (한국어)

Climate change

Document title Korean translation
Climate Action 100+ 2020 progress report 기후행동100+2020진행 상황보고서 (PDF, 29.05MB)
Climate Action 100+ 2021 progress update 기후행동100+2021년평가진행상황업데이트 (PDF, 1.8MB)

Investor tools

Document title Korean translation
Fixed income investor guide 고정수익 투자자 가이드 PDF, 7.70MB)

Asset owners

Document title Korean translation 
Aligning expectations: Incorporating ESG factors into manager selection, appointment and monitoring 기대목표의 정립 운용사 선정, 지명 및 모니터링 과정에서의 ESG 요소 통합 – 자산 소유주를 위한 안내서 (PDF, 1.52MB)

Mandarin (中文)

About the PRI

Document title Mandarin translation
2024 July - September Quarterly signatory update PRI季度更新 2024 年 7 - 9 月 (PDF, 3.7MB)
2024 April - June Quarterly signatory update PRI季度更新 2024 年 4 - 6 月 (PDF, 4.5MB)
2024 Jan-March Quarterly signatory update PRI季度更新 2024 年 1 - 3 月 (PDF, 6.5MB)
2023 October - December Quarterly signatory update PRI季度更新 2023 年 10 - 12 月 (PDF, 4.55MB)
2023 July - September Quarterly signatory update PRI季度更新 2023 年 10 - 12 月 (PDF, 4.25MB)
Principles for responsible investment 负责任投资原则 (PDF, 2.33 MB)
Signatory relationship presentation PRI季度更新 2022年1月-3月 (PDF, 3.95 MB)

Active ownership

Document title Mandarin translation
Stewardship in private equity: A guide for general partners 私募股权尽责管理-普通合伙人指南 (PDF, 1.15MB)
A practical guide to active ownership in listed equity 股票积极所有权实践指南 (PDF, 4MB)
Making voting count: principle-based voting on shareholder resolutions 让投票发挥作用 (PDF, 3.7 MB)

Asset owners

Document title Mandarin translation
Developing a biodiversity policy: A technical guide for asset owners and investment managers 制定生物多样性政策 (PDF, 1.64MB)
How to craft an investment strategy 资产所有者策略指南: 如何制定投资策略 (PDF, 1.945MB)
How asset owners can drive responsible investment - beliefs, strategies and mandates 资产所有者如何推动负责任的投资: 理念、战略与使命 (PDF, 1.37MB}
Introduction to responsible investment for asset owners 资产所有者 负责任投资简介 (PDF, 3.30MB)
Asset owner manager selection guide 资产所有者管理人遴选指南 (PDF, 2.36MB)
Implementing the TCFD recommendations: a guide for asset owners 实施气候相关财务披露 工作组(TCFD)建议 (PDF,  6.8MB)
Asset owner technical guide - investment manager selection guide 投资管理人遴选指南 (PDF,  2.67MB)
Asset owner technical guide - investment manager appointment guide 投资管理人委任指南 (PDF,  1.55MB)
Asset owner technical guide - investment manager monitoring guide 投资管理人监督指南 (PDF,  2.20MB)

Climate change

Document title Mandarin translation
Climate risk: An investor resource guide 气候风险:投资者资源指南 (PDF 1.75MB)
CA100+ 2019 progress report 气候行动100+ 2019年进展报告 (PDF, 6.91MB)
CA100+ 2020 progress report 气候行动100+ 2020年进展报告 (PDF, 21.37MB)
CA100+ 2021 progress report 气候行动100+2021 年回顾:进展更新 (PDF, 1.49MB)
Progress Update 2022: Five years of Climate Action 100+ 2022年进展更新:气候行动100+五年历程 (PDF, 7.62MB)
Supporting Climate Action 100+ Engagement in Asia: An Investor Guide (2021) 支持气候行动100+亚洲参与:投资者指南(2021) (PDF, 2.34MB)
Climate Action 100+ Investor Guide for Engaging in Asia: An Updated Guide for 2022 气候行动100+亚洲参与工作投资者指南(2022) (PDF, 3.93MB)
Climate Action 100+ Progress Update 2023 气候行动100+2023年进展更新 (PDF, 2.66MB)
Investor Climate Action Plans (ICAPs) Expectations Ladder 投资者气候行动计划(ICAPs)期望阶梯 (PDF, 4.78MB)
An introduction to responsible investment: climate metrics 负责任投资简介:气候指标 (PDF, 1.48MB)
Investor Climate Action Plans (ICAPs) Guidance on Using the Expectation Ladder 投资者气候行动计划(ICAPs)期望阶梯使用指南 (PDF 7.6MB)

Credit ratings

Document title Mandarin translation
ESG, credit risk and ratings - from disconnects to action areas 转变观念:ESG、信用风险 与评级 第3部分:从脱节迈向行动领域 (PDF 3.68MB)
ESG in Credit Risk and Rating Initiative 信用风险与评级中的ESG (PDF, 1.16MB)

Environmental, social and governance issues (ESGs)

Document title Mandarin translation
Statement on ESG in credit ratings 负责任投资原则”(PRI)关于信用评级中的 ESG声明 (Web article)
ESG integration in China: practical guidance and case studies 中国的ESG整合: 实践指导和案例研究 (PDF, 1.48MB)
The Amazon – A critical climate tipping point 亚马逊雨林——命运攸关的气候临界点 (PDF, 8.63MB)
The inevitable policy response – Preparing financial markets for climate-related policy/regulatory risks 必然的政策响应——为金融市场应对气候相关政策和监管风险做好准备 (PDF, 1.12MB)
Plastics landscape: Risks and opportunities along the value chain 塑料:价值链上的风险和机遇 (PDF, 2.49MB)
UK-China climate and environmental information disclosure pilot 2019 progress report 中英金融机构气候与环境信息披露试点2019年度进展报告 (PDF, 6.50MB)
ESG integration in listed equity: A technical guide 股票ESG整合技术指南 (PDF, 3.79MB)
Investor action on biodiversity: Discussion paper 投资者生物多样性行动:讨论报告 (PDF, 1.09MB)

Fiduciary duty

Document title Mandarin translation
A toolkit for sustainable investment policy and regulation (part 1) 可持续投资政策和监管工具箱 (第一部分) (PDF, 1.69MB)
Fiduciary duty in the 21st century: Global statement on investor obligations and duties 21 世纪的信义义务: 投资者义务与责任的全球声明 (PDF, 959KB)
ESG Disclosure in China 中国的ESG数据披露: 关键ESG指标建议 (PDF, 1.82MB)
Fiduciary duty in the 21st century final report 21世纪受托人责任 最终报告 (PDF, 6.63MB)
ESG and Alpha in China 中国市场的ESG与Alpha (PDF, 1.59MB)

Fixed income

Document title Mandarin translation
Fixed income investor guide   固定收益投资者指南 (PDF, 3.43MB)
ESG engagement for fixed income investors 固定收益投资者的ESG参与:管理风险 提升收益 (PDF, 4.84MB)


Document title Mandarin translation
A Legal Framework for Impact: sustainability impact in investor decision-making (Chinese) 为实现可持续性影响而投资的法律框架探讨:可持续性因素对投资者决策的影响(Chinese) (1.21MB)

Private equity

Document title Mandarin translation
Stewardship in private equity: A guide for general partners 私募股权尽责管理-普通合伙人指南 (PDF, 1.15MB)
ESG monitoring, reporting and dialogue in private equity 私募股权领域 ESG监督、 报告和对话 (3.19MB)
Technical guide: TCFD for private equity general partners 技术指南:私募股权普通合伙人TCFD指南 (1.82MB)
PRI Limited Partners’ Private Equity Responsible Investment DDQ 有限合伙人私募股权负责任投资 尽职调查问卷 (1.51MB)
PRI Limited Partners' Venture Capital Responsible Investment DDQ 风险投资有限合伙人负责任投资 尽职调查问卷 (1MB)

Private markets

Document title Mandarin translation
Technical guide: TCFD for real assets investors 技术指南:实物资产投资者TCFD指南 (7.89MB)

Reporting and assessment

Document title Mandarin translation
PRI Reporting Framework 2023 PRI 报告框架 (ZIP, 20.38MB)

Responsible investment

Document title Mandarin translation 
A blueprint for responsible investment 负责任投资蓝图 (PDF, 2.41MB)
What is responsible investment? 负责任投资简介:什么是负责任投资 (PDF, 2.7MB)
An introduction to responsible investment: Policy, structure and process 责任投资简介:政策、结构和流程 (PDF, 3.03MB)
An introduction to responsible investment: Fixed income 负责任投资简介:固定收益 (PDF, 748KB)
An introduction to responsible investment: Private equity 负责任投资简介:私募股权 (PDF, 1.30MB)
An introduction to responsible investment: Screening 负责任投资简介:筛选 (PDF, 1.11MB)
An introduction to responsible investment: Climate change for asset owners 负责任投资简介:资产所有者气候变化指南 (PDF, 3.74MB)
An introduction to responsible investment: Stewardship 负责任投资简介:尽责管理 (PDF, 1.33 MB)
An introduction to responsible investment: Climate metrics 负责任投资简介:气候指标 (PDF, 1.48MB)
An introduction to responsible investment: Real estate (2022) 负责任投资简介:房地产 (PDF, 1.4MB)
Progression Pathways: Advancing responsible investment practices among PRI signatories 进展路径 (PDF, 0.57MB)
Developing and updating a responsible investment policy 制定和更新负责任投资政策 (PDF, 1.71MB)
Introduction to responsible investment: Corporate governance 负责任投资简介-资产所有者公司治理 (PDF, 0.93MB)
An introduction to responsible investment: Human rights 资产所有者人权入门指南 (PDF, 2.58MB)


Document title Mandarin translation  
PRI Awards 2019 case studies 2019年PRI奖项案例研究 (PDF, 376KB)

Sustainable development goals (SDGs)

Document title Mandarin translation 
The SDG investment case SDG投资理由 (PDF, 3.64MB)
Investing with SDG outcomes SDG结果投资: 五步框架 (PDF, 1.92MB)
Bridging the gap: How infrastructure investors can contribute to SDG outcomes 弥合差距:基础设施投资者如何助力实现SDG结果 (PDF, 2.41MB)
Are national infrastructure plans SDG-aligned, and how can investors play their part? 国家基础设施计划是否与SDG一致? 投资者如何发挥作用? (PDF, 4.01MB)

Malay (Melayu)

About the PRI

Document title Malay translation
Principles for responsible investment Prinsip pelaburan bertanggungjawab (PDF, 5.3MB)

Portuguese (Português)

About the PRI

Document title Portuguese translation
Principles for responsible investment

Princípios para o investimento responsável (PRI) (PDF, 5.3MB)

Asset owners

English document Portuguese translation
Why corporate pension plans should mirror their sponsor’s values Alinhando Valores: Por que os fundos de pensão devem refletir seus patrocinadores (PDF, 854KB)
How to craft an investment strategy Como elaborar uma estratégia de investimento
Investment policy: process and practice a guide for asset owners Política de investimento: processo e prática um guia para proprietários de ativos (PDF, 1.25MB)
An asset owner’s guide to TCFD recommendations Como implementar as recomendações da força-tarefa para divulgações financeiras relacionadas às mudanças climáticas: Um guia para proprietários de ativos (PDF, 1.8MB)
Asset owner technical guide - investment manager appointment clauses Nomeação de gestores de investimento: Cláusulas asg (PDF, 0.52 mb)
Asset owner technical guide - investment manager appointment guide Nomeação de gestores de investimento: Guia de nomeação (PDF, 0.93 mb)
Asset owner technical guide - investment manager monitoring guide Monitoramento de gestores de investimento (PDF, 1.61 mb)

Environmental, social and governance issues (ESGs)

English document Portuguese translation
Shifting perceptions: ESG, credit risk and ratings (Part 1: The state of play) Uma mudança de percepção: ASG, risco de crédito e classificação de risco (Parte 1: Cenário atual) (PDF, 1.6MB)
Shifting perceptions: ESG, credit risk and ratings (Part 2: Exploring the disconnects) Uma mudança de percepção: ASG, risco de crédito e classificação de risco (Parte 2: Explorando as desconexões) (PDF, 3.22MB)

Human rights

English document Portuguese translation
Managing human rights risks Como identificar riscos em direitos humanos (PDF, 1.13MB)
What data do investors need to manage human rights risks? Gerenciamento de riscos em direitos humanos (PDF, 4.48MB)


English document Portuguese translation 
ESG integration in the Americas: markets, practices, and data Integração ASG no Brasil: mercados, práticas e dados (PDF, 595KB)
A practical guide to active ownership in listed equity Guia prático de titularidade ativa em renda variável listada em bolsa (PDF, 1.29MB)

Investor tools

Document title Portuguese translation
PRI Reporting Framework 2021 Relatórios e avaliação 2021 (ZIP, 11.43MB)
PRI Reporting Framework 2023 Relatórios e avaliação 2023 (ZIP, 18.78MB)

Responsible investment

English document Portuguese translation
A blueprint for responsible investment Um plano estrategico para o investimento responsável (PDF, 3.95MB)
What is responsible investment? O que é o investimento responsável? (PDF, 3.15MB)
An introduction to responsible investment: Policy, structure and process Introduçăo ao investimento responsável: Política, estrutura e processo (PDF, 813KB)
An introduction to responsible investment: Private equity Introduçăo ao investimento responsável: Private Equity (PDF, 1.18MB)
An introduction to responsible investment: Biodiversity for asset owners Introdução ao investimento responsável: Biodiversidade para proprietários de ativos (PDF, 3.14mb)
An introduction to responsible investment: Fixed income Introduçăo ao investimento responsável: Renda fixa (PDF, 850KB)
Developing a biodiversity policy: A technical guide for asset owners and investment managers Como elaborar uma política de biodiversidade (PDF, 0.98 mb)
Selection of investment managers Seleção de gestores de investimento (PDF, 1.96 mb)
Progression Pathways: Advancing responsible investment practices among PRI signatories Trilhas de Evolucao Progression Pathways (PDF, 1.33 mb)

Russian (русский)

Investor tools

Engllsh document Russian translation
ESG integration: markets, practices and data ESG-интеграция: рынки, методы и данные (PDF, 3.43MB)
ESG information providers survey results Результаты опроса ESG провайдеров (PDF, 0.6MB)

Spanish (Español)

About the PRI

Document title Spanish translation
T4 2021 signatory relationship presentation

T4 2021 Actualización del PRI (PDF, 3.9MB)

Asset owners

How to craft an investment strategy Cómo elaborar una estrategia de inversión (PDF, 1.72MB)
Investment policy: process and practice  Politica de inversión : procesos y practicas (PDF, 1.89MB)
Investment advisers and ESG matters: a guide for asset owners  Asesores de inversión y asuntos ASG: una guía para propietarios de activos (PDF, 1.59MB)
An introduction to responsible investment: selecting, appointing and monitoring investment managers Selección, designación y monitoreo de administradoras de inversiones (PDF, 3.11MB)

Environmental, social and governance issues (ESGs)

English document  Spanish translation  
How to invest in the low carbon economy Cómo invertir en la economía baja en carbono (PDF, 1.93MB)
Climate change and the just transition: a guide for investors El cambio climático y la transición justa: Guía para la toma de decisiones de los inversores (PDF, 1.29MB)
Why and how investors should act on human rights ¿Por qué y cómo deberían actuar los inversores con respecto a los derechos humanos? (PDF, 4.00MB)

Investor tools

English document Spanish translation
Fixed income investor guide Guía del PRI para inversores en Renta Fija (PDF, 2.94MB)
Shifting perceptions: ESG, credit risk and ratings Asuntos asg, riesgo crediticio y calificaciones de credito (PDF, 2.35MB)
Making voting count: principle-based voting on shareholder resolutions Hacer que el voto cuente (PDF, 1.69MB)

Leaders' Group

English document Spanish translation
Leaders' Group 2020 Grupo de Lideres 2020 (PDF, 994KB)

Private equity

English document Spanish translation
PRI Limited Partners’ Private Equity Responsible Investment DDQ 2021 Cuestionario de evaluación de estado general de inversión responsable para limited partners de capital privado (PDF, 2.52MB)

Responsible investment

English document  Spanish translation
What is responsible investment? ¿Qué es la inversión responsable? (PDF, 1.14MB)
A blueprint for responsible investment Un mapa de ruta para la inversion responsible (PDF, 38.54MB)
An introduction to responsible investment: Private equity Introducción a la inversión responsable: Capital privado (PDF, 1.17MB)
An introduction to responsible investment: Policy, structure and process Introducción a la inversión responsable: Políticas, estructura y proceso (PDF, 280KB)
An introduction to responsible investment: Fixed income Introducción a la inversión responsable: renta fija (PDF, 846KB)
An introduction to responsible investment: Real estate Introducción a la inversión responsable: Bienes raíces (PDF, 1.44MB)
An introduction to responsible investment: Climate change for asset owners Cambio climático para propietarios de activos (PDF, 3.27MB)
An introduction to responsible investment: Stewardship Gestión Responsable (PDF, 2.70MB)
Progression Pathways: Advancing responsible investment practices among PRI signatories Rutas de Progreso PRI Progression Pathways (PDF, 1.37MB)
An introduction to responsible investment: Biodiversity for asset owners Introducción a la Inversión responsable: Biodiversidad para propietarios de activos (PDF, 3.99MB)
Developing a biodiversity policy: A technical guide for asset owners and investment managers Formulación de una política de biodiversidad (PDF, 1.35MB)

Sustainable development goals (SDGs)

English document Spanish translation 
The SDG investment case El enfoque de inversion en los ODS (PDF, 1.84MB)
Investing with SDG outcomes: A five-part framework Invertir con resultados que aportan al logro de los ods: Un marco de trabajo de cinco partes (PDF, 1.48MB)

Turkish (Türk)

About the PRI

Document title Turkish translation
Principles for responsible investment Sorumlu yatirim ilkeleri (PDF, 12.5MB)