
The PRI Association is a company limited by guarantee which is governed by the PRI Association Board (the board) as set out in the Articles of Association of PRI Association. The board is collectively responsible for the long-term success of the PRI and is supported by the committees which facilitate its workings.

The Board

Office workplace table with report page, coffee cup, supplies and computer

Board Report



PRI Strategy 2024-27


Read the PRI’s new strategic plan, which responds to the changing world around us and how we will support progress in ways that acknowledge our diverse signatory base.


Formal consultations

Formal consultations

As a signatory-based organisation, the PRI encourages all signatories to participate actively in its governance and strategic direction, and provide feedback on strategically important matters via formal consultations.

If you have any queries related to the PRI’s governance and board, its committees or if you would like to get in touch with any of our board members, please contact [email protected].