Based on the best available science, including the findings of the IPCC, on the drivers and impacts of climate change, we believe there is an urgent need to accelerate the transition towards global net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and for service providers to play our part to help deliver the goals of the Paris Agreement and ensure a just transition to a low carbon economy.
The parties making this Commitment do so subject to any legal, regulatory, professional standards and professional or ethical obligations that apply to them. The parties retain their discretion to act independently in the best interests of their clients and beneficiaries.
In order to fulfil this Commitment, my organisation will:
This Commitment must be read in the context of the supplemental text that follows which provides interpretative guidance to the Commitment text.
We recognise the vital role of service providers in supporting the transition to net-zero emissions. We make this Commitment with the understanding that our clients and stakeholders, including regulators, policy-makers and standard-setters, will endeavor to facilitate these objectives.
We will work in coordination with and seek to support the existing alliances including the Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance, Paris Aligned Investment Initiative, Net Zero Bankers Alliance and the Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative within the broader GFANZ.
We commit to engaging with policy-makers, regulators, peers and other stakeholders, consistent with applicable law and regulatory requirements, in order to pursue the objective of net zero alignment.
* The way in which a member aligns is up to the member at firm-level.
Service Provider | Commitment |
Stock / Securities Exchange | Refers to the extent relevant and appropriate, to disclosure, market participation and/ or listing interventions or requirements and issuer tools and support. |
Index Provider | Refers to the maintenance of existing and addition of new net zero aligned broad-based indices |
Research and Data provider | Clear indication of incorporating net zero implications in research, rating and data provision |
Auditor | Plan and perform audits in accordance with professional standards and related guidance issued by standard setters, including as they relate to climate-related matters, and commit to discharging obligations under professional standards as external auditors with quality, integrity, and independence |
As described
All subsectors – meaningful targets to 2025 to be set within 12 months which are pertinent to each sub sector. The target should reflect the way in which the action taken will help to reach the interim target of a fair share of the 50% global reduction in carbon emissions needed by 2030. This point refers to target setting by the organization.
As described
Service Provider | Commitment |
Stock / Securities Exchange | Listed companies, market participants and relevant securities |
Index Provider | Investors using the indices |
Research and Data provider | Issuers and investors as permitted by Research and Data providers the principle of independence and mitigation of conflicts of interest. |
Auditor | As described |
Service Provider | Commitment |
Stock / Securities Exchange | Demonstrate how disclosure, financing and other interventions are being aligned to appropriate net zero paths and sustainable solutions |
Index Provider | Demonstrate how the net zero transition, using best available climate science where applicable, is reflected in relevant indices |
Research and Data providers | Take into account the best available climate science where applicable, including credible emissions reduction pathways to net zero, and reflect in the evaluation of the relevant end products. |
Auditor | As described |
As described
Reporting format will be defined by the targets set for each sub-group to be developed within the next 12 months
[1] Such as Science Based Targets initiative and alliance partners of Race to Zero and GFANZ. Best methodologies to incorporate scope 3 emissions as well as appropriate use of carbon offsetting should be incorporated.
[2] This commitment does not apply to service providers, including without limitation credit rating agencies, whose business model and/or regulatory obligations require them to maintain complete independence, both actual and perceived.
[3] As comprehensively as possible, while being cognisant that some sections do not directly apply to all signatories