This discussion paper addresses key questions for responsible investors in Japan.

First, what are the most effective economic and financial policy reforms with which to implement the transition of the Japanese economy towards the sustainability goals set by the Japanese government, including the national goal of net zero GHG emissions by 2050? Second, how can these reforms be developed in the best interests of Japan’s society, economy and with the effective support of responsible investors?

This paper is intended for Japanese policymakers and investors engaged in supporting the transition process in Japan, and should be used as an input to ongoing discussions on effective policy approaches to the economic transition.

The paper explores how Japanese policymakers can further the progress already made in establishing a whole-of-government approach to the economic transition. It builds on discussions with PRI signatories, Japanese policymakers and previous policy research, including a white paper that sets out how governments can take a coherent, ‘whole-of-government’ approach to the economic transition.





Download the full discussion paper - in English or Japanese - below.