All Climate change articles
Blog post
2025: Future-proofing our work
PRI CEO, David Atkin, highlights the importance of working together and adapting to face a changing external landscape, in the second of a two-part series.
News and press
The iCI launches foundational guidance for private markets on the Voluntary Carbon Market
The Initiative Climat International (iCI), a PRI-supported initiative, together with sustainability consultancy Anthesis, have announced the launch of a comprehensive guide on the Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM)
Blog post
Taking stock of sustainable finance policy developments
The PRI’s Director of Global Policy, Margarita Pirovska, examines how policy developments over the past year will impact the work of responsible investors.
Policy engagement
Letters of congratulations to newly appointed EU Executive Vice Presidents and Commissioners
EU: PRI’s CEO, David Atkin, congratulates seven key EU Executive Vice Presidents and Commissioners on their appointment for the next five-year term in President von der Leyen’s cabinet.
Blog post
2025: A reset moment for responsible investment
PRI CEO, David Atkin, reflects on our most recent annual flagship conference, PRI in Person - held this year in Toronto, Canada
Next steps in the PRI’s Collaborative Sovereign Engagement on Climate Change
A session for signatories to learn more about the future of its emerging and expanding stewardship initiative – the Collaborative Sovereign Engagement on Climate Change.
Policy report
Policy briefing: Addressing EU bioenergy policy and investment risks
This policy report assesses the role of bioenergy for the EU’s renewable energy targets, and how to use biomass most effectively to achieve competing energy, climate, and nature objectives, and contribute to the EU net-zero economy transition.
Special briefing with IPR: Net zero transition after COP29 and the US elections
In this special event following COP29 and the US elections, IPR and PRI assesses the long-term implications for investors of these decisive events in the transition towards net zero.
Policy report
Policy briefing: Japan’s Financial Instruments and Exchange Act: Integrating ESG into the regulatory framework
This briefing summarises the amendments made to the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (FIEA) by the Japan Financial Services Agency (FSA) in January 2023, which introduced mandatory sustainability disclosure in statutory annual reports.
Policy report
Policy briefing: EU Critical Raw Materials Act
This briefing summarises the key elements of the EU Critical Raw Material Act (CRMA) which aims to reduce reliance on imports of critical raw materials (CRMs) through a series of measures, including increasing recycling, increasing domestic production, and requiring in scope companies to undertake supply chain audits.
Policy report
Policy briefing: Enabling US state-level sustainable financial systems
[Region: US] Five high-level policy recommendations that US state and local officials can consider to support responsible investment practices.
Case study
Equitix: Bridging the climate data gap in private infrastructure
Shortlisted for PRI Awards 2024: Recognition for Action – Climate
Case study
SAIL Investments: High impact climate, biodiversity and natural capital
Shortlisted for PRI Awards 2024: Recognition for Action – Climate
Case study
Federated Hermes: an engagement-driven approach to climate change
Shortlisted for PRI Awards 2024: Recognition for Action – Climate
News and press
Updated Private Markets Decarbonisation Roadmap released: PMDR 2.0
The new PMDR 2.0, from the iCI and the Sustainable Markets Initiative’s Private Equity Task Force, incorporates key insights and feedback from adopters.
Workshop summary
Mandate design considerations for sovereign debt net zero portfolios
This article summarises key points from a workshop held in September 2024 where participants in sovereign debt markets discussed challenges and emerging solutions in pursuing net zero targets in portfolio design.
News and press
Taskforce: Early and widespread progress on net zero – but policy gap persists
UN Taskforce on Net Zero Policy publishes inaugural report on the global policy environment governing net zero activities of large corporates and institutions
PRI Web Page
Interconnected Justice: Understanding the cross-border implications of climate transition policies
This report provides normative proposals on how to widen the approach of policymakers and non-state actors (companies and financial institutions) when addressing the question of justice in climate and nature transition policies.
PRI Web Page
Net Zero Policy Matters: Assessing progress and taking stock of corporate and financial net zero policy reform
This progress report – Net Zero Policy Matters – summarises the research, discussions and findings of the work of the Taskforce on Net Zero Policy, its technical expert group and contributing partner organisations, from its inception at COP28 (2023) to COP29 (2024).
Policy report
Climate Policy Roadmap 2024/25
Ahead of COP 29, PRI published a Climate Policy Roadmap for 2024/25.