The China Climate Engagement Initiative (CCEI) aims to promote green, low-carbon and high-quality transition of companies in China, through facilitating institutional investors in leveraging active influence and engaging in broader and more sophisticated dialogues with industries. This initiative is supported by the PRI.

CCEI was launched in July 2023 by the Institute of Finance and Sustainability (IFS) and The China Sustainable Investment Forum (China SIF), who jointly act as its secretariat. The initiative is supported by the PRI, who sit as one of the members on its Steering Committee. As of 2025 March, the initiative has more than 30 institutional investor members, representing more than CNY 70 trillion in AUM.

The primary objectives and principles of the CCEI at its current stage are to engage companies to:

  • Implement strong governance framework that clearly defines leadership accountabilities and oversight of green, low-carbon, and high-quality transition and climate-related risks and opportunities.
  • Set clear goals and strategic priorities for green, low-carbon, and high-quality transition, consistent with China’s goal to peak CO2 emissions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060, backed up with metrics and milestones indicators to demonstrate progress made.
  • Identify and apply both sector- and company- specific green, low-carbon, and high-quality transition pathway, in addition to aligning with the goals and strategic priorities.
  • Actively disclose the above efforts and information related to green, low-carbon, and high-quality transition.

For more information or to find out about getting involved, please visit: or contact: [email protected]