The PRI has developed a comprehensive suite of resources, ranging from introductory materials to in-depth technical and policy guides.
Nature provides ecosystem services, which benefit businesses and society.
Biodiversity is the variety of living components of nature. It has a role in ensuring the resilience of natural capital assets – which society and business depend on – and securing them for the future. However, land use change, climate change, exploitation and pollution are driving biodiversity and ecosystem loss. This loss creates risks and opportunities for society, business and investors.
19 December 2022
The PRI attended the CBD’s 15th conference (COP15) in December in Montré al, Canada, alongside a delegation of 34 signatories, to elevate the financial sector’s voice and unpack the relevant developments for investors.
2 November 2022
The PRI invited signatories to sign an ambitious new statement calling on world leaders to agree a global economic plan for halting and reversing nature loss, ahead of the UN Biodiversity Conference (COP15) in early December.
The Nature Reference Group is made up of approximately 70 PRI signatories and aims to build investor capacity for addressing nature and biodiversity loss, by providing a forum for signatories to advance their awareness of nature-related impacts, dependencies, risks and opportunities. Convenings focus on investment practices where participants can share their experiences with relevant tools, disclosure frameworks, and initiatives. The group is no longer receiving applications. View the membership list.
21 April 2023
Investors should invest in innovative financial solutions to address biodiversity risks and help mobilise the required US$200bn per year by 2030, according to the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF). This is one of three key recommendations of a new report launched today by UNEP FI, the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) ...
1 September 2020
It is critical that institutional investors take action to halt the loss of biodiversity. Based on research and interviews with 11 investors, a discussion paper outlines some emerging approaches for integrating biodiversity into investment policies and strategies and highlights opportunities for investors to scale them up.
12 May 2021
The PRI and UNEP-WCMC have developed maps to showcase hotspots of relative natural capital depletion on a global scale, available for visualisation in ENCORE – an interactive, online tool that highlights how businesses may be exposed to accelerating environmental change.
There are many biodiversity-related initiatives for financial institutions, covering a range of topics.
Read an overview which shows the topics they address, as well as the activities and deliveries so far.
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