All TCFD articles – Page 2
Blog post
Less than one week until COP26, new Australian climate plans still fall short
By Fiona Reynolds, CEO, PRI
Blog post
As COP 26 approaches, climate metrics, targets, and transition planning advances
By Kimberly Gladman, Senior Associate, Climate Change, PRI
PRI Web Page
The PRI and COP26
COP26, the annual UN climate conference, will be held in Glasgow in November 2021. The conference is significant and represents the world’s most recent collective effort to tackle climate change and achieve net zero emissions across the economy in line with Paris Agreement targets.
Blog post
Time must be called on negative climate lobbying
By Fiona Reynolds (@fireynolds), CEO, PRI
Blog post
Is it time to make climate risk disclosures mandatory?
By Julia Anna Bingler, ETH Zurich, Mathias Kraus, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg and Markus Leippold, University of Zurich
Policy report
PRI discussion paper on TCFD forward-looking metrics consultation
[Region: Global] This paper looks at the TCFD consultation on forward-looking metrics for financial institutions and makes some recommendations for how the Taskforce may look to develop its guidance.
Case study
FTSE developed TPI climate transition index – aligning a global equity portfolio with the climate transition
Case study by FTSE Russell, Church of England Pensions Board & Transition Pathway Initiative
Piloting PRI climate-related disclosure indicators
As a participant of the Financial Stability Board (FBS) Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD), the PRI has committed to align its reporting framework with the recommendations over several reporting cycles.
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