All Tax articles
Blog post
Amplification, not apathy: Investor proxy votes increasingly challenge corporates in 2023
By Bonnie Groves, Specialist, Stewardship and Yejin Hur, Intern, Stewardship
Blog post
Australia’s ambition sends a positive signal for global tax transparency
By David Atkin, CEO, Principles for Responsible Investment
Why tax should be on the agenda for responsible investors
In this episode, Sebastien Akbik, Corporate Governance Analyst at the PRI spoke with Kiran Aziz, Head of Responsible Investments from KLP and Daniel Mulé, Policy Lead, Extractive Industries Tax and Transparency from Oxfam America.
Discussion paper
How to consider tax in voting practices
Voting is an essential channel for investors to communicate their expectations on tax in a clear and quantifiable manner.
Discussion paper
What is tax fairness and what does it mean for investors?
This paper explores the concept of tax fairness, outlines the rationale for investor action and the steps that the PRI intends to take to support signatories on this issue
Blog post
Highlights from the PRI Digital Conference: investors poised to build a sustainable future
By Fiona Reynolds, CEO, PRI
Case study
Engagement International: Addressing responsible tax
Engagement International helps institutional investors act as active responsible owners through corporate engagement.
The proposed global tax reforms – can they eliminate profit shifting?
Our guest speakers, Alex Cobham from Tax Justice Network and Ryan Gurule from the FACT Coalition will be sharing their insights on the global tax reforms and implications for investors.
Blog post
A tax system reset: what are the implications for investors?
By Vaishnavi Ravishankar, Senior Analyst, ESG, PRI
Thought leadership
Global trends in corporate tax disclosure
Corporate tax practices are coming under increasing scrutiny from governments and investors, amid concerns about the use of aggressive tax avoidance practices. Companies employing strategies such as profit shifting could be exposing themselves to growing reputational and regulatory risks, which have the potential to directly impact their profitability.
Engagement guide
Whistleblowing: why and how to engage with your investee companies
Transparency International defines whistleblowing as the disclosure or reporting of wrongdoing. We use a broad framing of whistleblowing mechanisms to include those arrangements that encourage employees, customers and suppliers to speak up and share information on activities that violate a company’s ethical code of conduct, its legal and regulatory requirements ...
Case study
Responsible tax engagement
Case study by Engagement International and the Municipality of Aarhus, Denmark
COVID-19 and corporate governance: impact on voting and engagement
In this episode of the PRI podcast, the PRI’s head of corporate governance, Athanasia Karananou speaks with Sacha Sadan of Legal and General Investment Management.
Blog post
Could COVID-19 fight off tax avoidance?
By Vaishnavi Ravishankar, Senior Analyst, ESG, PRI
Results: PRI collaborative engagement on tax transparency
The PRI has recently published a report summarising the outcomes of the collaborative engagement on tax transparency (2017-2019). This webinar will provide an overview of the report and discuss members’ views of the progress made and next steps for further action.
Case study
PRI Awards 2019 case study: Impact-Cubed White Paper
Company: Auriel Investors HQ: UK Category: ESG Research Report of the Year (shortlisted)
PRI in Person 2018 - Breakout 4C: Charging ahead: the macro factors influencing tax transparency
The panellists in this session will discuss corporate tax transparency in the context of investor and stakeholder expectations and the influence of factors such as economic inequality, good governance and regulation.
OECD BEPS project and country-by-country reporting
Richard Murphy, a chartered accountant, political economist, and co-founder of the Tax Justice Network, joins PRI’s Vaishnavi Ravishankar to discuss the OECD’s BEPS project with a particular focus on Action 13 and country-by-country reporting. Together, they unpack the concept by discussing the merits as well as challenges associated with requirements.