All Sustainable financial system articles – Page 5
PRI Web Page
Global statement on investor obligations and duties: supporting quotes
I fully support PRI and UNEP FI’s efforts to make financial flows consistent with the needed limitation of greenhouse emissions and the financing of climate resilient development. Michel Sapin, Minister of Finance, France Sustainability is an important factor in the long-term success of a business. Therefore as ...
PRI Web Page
Global statement on investor obligations and duties: FAQs
What is the statement? The Statement calls on international policymakers and national governments to clarify the obligations and duties of investors and other organisations in the investment system. It calls, specifically, for governments to clarify that investors and other organisations in the investment system must act with due care, skill ...
PRI Web Page
Global statement on investor obligations and duties
The Global statement on investor obligations and duties calls on international policymakers and national governments to clarify the obligations and duties of investors and other organisations in the investment system.
Blog post
Are investment consultants' reputations the next stranded assets
A paper from Ben Caldecott and Dane Rook lays out why investment consultants are not having a bigger influence on the uptake of green investment practices by asset owners.
Blog post
Long-term capitalism
In these articles, Barton and Wiseman outline their view that the short-term approaches to managing and investing in companies, approaches which were responsible for the financial crisis, still exist.
Academic research
RI Quarterly Vol. 3: Long-termism in financial markets
Why is there so little academic research on long termism in financial markets?
Blog post
Uncertain times, plural rationalities and the pension fiduciary
Huang et al in this paper explore the application of the theory of plural rationality to defined benefit pension fund decision-making.
Blog post
Fiduciary duty and sin stocks: is vice really nice?
This paper investigates whether fiduciary duty obliges pension fund trustees to invest over-proportionally in ‘sin stocks’, i.e. companies operating in sectors traditionally considered unethical such as tobacco, alcohol, gambling and defence.
Blog post
Fiduciary duty and the search for a shared conception of sustainable investment
This paper reviews the historical legal background to the evolution of fiduciary duty in the UK, with reference to the parallel evolution of the concept in the US.
Blog post
The public fiduciary: a Canadian perspective
In this paper Waitzer and Sarro examine the role of pension fund trustees in Canada, and how the Supreme Court of Canada has developed a framework for fiduciary duty that has adapted to changing social and governance challenges.
Blog post
The voice of the beneficiary
Berry and Scanlan argue that beneficiaries should be consulted on the general policies of their pension fund, and that trustees should take their wishes into account when making investment decisions.
Blog post
The role of investment tools, investment beliefs and industry convention in changing interpretations of fiduciary duty
This paper examines how investment tools, beliefs and industry conventions impact the interpretation of fiduciary duty in the investment industry.
Blog post
The basis of fiduciary duty in investment in the United States
In this paper Youngdahl outlines the history and development of the concept of fiduciary duty in the United States.
Academic research
RI Quarterly Vol. 2: Fiduciary duty
In this second volume of the PRI Academic Network’s RI Quarterly we focus on the issue of fiduciary duty.
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