All Sustainable financial system articles – Page 4
Discussion paper
How market structure affects investment consultants approach to ESG considerations
Relationships between asset owners and investment consultants have a major influence on whether and how investment consultants take account of ESG issues in the advice that they provide.
Discussion paper
How industry practices affect investment consultants approach to ESG considerations
Market structure issues are compounded by consulting practices and processes.
News and press
PRI announces plans to reimagine, look beyond modern portfolio theory
Examining the limitations of modern portfolio theory (MPT), the PRI has announced a programme of activities designed to analyse and consider the possibilities of investment decision making.
PRI in Person 2017 - Latest insights from RI research
Prize winning research will be presented from the PRI Awards and the FIR-PRI Finance and Sustainability Awards.
PRI in Person 2017: Building a sustainable economy - the role of financial markets
Per Bolund, Swedish Minister for Financial Markets and Consumer Affairs and Deputy Finance Minister Moderated by Martin Skancke, Chair, PRI
PRI in Person 2017: Making a sustainable financial system a reality
Janet Cowell, Former North Carolina State Treasurer Christian Thimann, Chair of UNEP FI, Chair of the High Level Expert Group on Sustainable Finance, Senior Adviser to the AXA Chairman and Director of the AXA Research Fund Moderated by Jonathan Rogers, Founder, Ostinato Associates
Thought leadership
Corporate and investor strategies for managing market short-termism
Short-term pressure is an obstacle to creating a global financial system that supports long-term value creation and benefits the environment and society, finds the PRI’s report, Coping, shifting, changing 2.0: Corporate and investor strategies for managing market short-termism.
Blog post
Beyond modern portfolio theory – how investors can mitigate systemic risk through the portfolio
The near universally adopted modern portfolio theory (MPT) put forward by Nobel laureate Harry Markowitz in 1952 is blind to the effect of portfolio investment on the capital markets’ overall risk/return profile and on the macro systems upon which the market relies for stability.
Blog post
Long-term social issues drive economic growth, so why aren't investors behind the wheel?
Long-term social issues – the ‘S’ in ESG – matter for investors. They are key factors determining both long-term GDP growth and the level of equilibrium of interest rates.
News and press
PRI undertakes work with Willis Towers Watson on megatrends
The PRI and Willis Towers Watson have today announced that they are collaborating on a project to produce a report on megatrends.
News and press
European Commission calls for ‘deep re-engineering of the financial system’ to support sustainable economies
The European Commission has taken unprecedented steps to bring sustainability into the heart of Europe’s capital markets.
News and press
PRI launches South Africa roadmap
Today, the PRI, UNEP FI and The Generation Foundation published a new report – The South Africa Roadmap– which builds on the report Fiduciary duty in the 21st century.
Recommandations de la Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures - Etude des éléments pertinents à l'échelle locale
La stratégie française est de procéder par petites avancées afin de laisser à tous les acteurs le temps de mettre en place les obligations d’information en matière de changement climatique.
News and press
Letter from global investors to governments of the G7 and G20 nations
This letter is signed by nearly 400 investors representing more than US$22 trillion in assets.
News and press
PRI publishes Japan roadmap: new report makes recommendations on ESG considerations for the Japanese market
The Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), UNEP FI and the Generation Foundation today published a new report — the Japan Roadmap — which builds on the report Fiduciary duty in the 21st century.
News and press
PRI sets out Sustainable Financial System programme
The PRI set out its Sustainable Financial System (SFS) programme to US signatories at an event hosted by IEX in New York on 29 March.
Discussion paper
Nine priority conditions for a sustainable financial system
Following our consultation - Sustainable financial system, principles, impact– we identified nine priority conditions that need to be addressed to transform the financial system:
Discussion paper
Why the PRI is working towards a sustainable financial system
The financial system is not operating sustainably and it often fails society. We need to realign the system with sustainable, equitable economies. Our signatories have a central role to play.
Blog post
Fintech: Reshaping the investment industry
Within the space of six years, finance technology – fintech – has gone from a technology that skirted the edges of the investment sphere to receiving billing at this year’s G20 summit where the world’s industrial leaders described its impact as something akin to a new industrial revolution.
PRI Web Page
Global statement on investor obligations and duties: explanatory notes
In January 2016, the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) and The Generation Foundation launched a three year project to clarify investors’ obligations and duties in relation to the integration of environmental, social and governance issues in investment practice and decision-making. This ...