All Sustainable Development Goals articles – Page 5
Discussion paper
Bridging the gap: how infrastructure investors can contribute to SDG outcomes
The current approaches infrastructure investors are adopting to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Case study
STOA SDG case study
Signatory type: Private equity investor / Asset ownerOperating region: Developing countriesAssets under management: €180 millionSDG targets: SDGs 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 & 13Practice area: Engagement for impact
Case study
Global Impact Partners SDG case study
Global Impact Partners advises governments, corporations, and non-profits on strategy and impact investment.
Case study
First State Investments SDG case study
Signatory type: Investment ManagerOperating region: GlobalAssets under management: US$160.6bnPractice area: Engagement
Case study
Aviva Investors SDG case study
Signatory type: Investment managerOrganisation name: Aviva InvestorsLocation of HQ: UKTotal AUM: US$423.6bnSDG goals/targets: SDG 7, 13Practice area: Investment practiceAsset class: Real assetsInvestment region: Global
Case study
Actis SDG case study
Signatory type: Asset owner/Investment managerOperating region: Africa, Asia, Latin AmericaAssets under management: US$12bnPractice area: Engagement
Thought leadership
Are national infrastructure plans SDG-aligned, and how can investors play their part?
Table & Sub-menu styles Sub-menu Executive summary Investors are under increasing pressure to demonstrate that their investments support improved environmental, social and governance (ESG) outcomes, and infrastructure has an essential role to play in governments achieving their national sustainability goals. Investors and governments should therefore work ...
Case study
Engaging for impact
The Hermes SDG Engagement Equity Strategy, launched in December 2017, was established in recognition of the role that investors can play in promoting and supporting sustainable business practices.
TCFD and SDGs: using existing global frameworks to ensure more resilient investments
This conference which took place in Zurich and Geneva was organised by the PRI and Swiss Sustainable Finance (SSF). It provided in-depth knowledge and guidance on TCFD and SDGs, helping participants understand how to apply elements of the frameworks within their investment processes.
Case study
Engaging on corporate public policy lobbying
As a long-term shareholder of publicly traded companies, Boston Trust Walden has worked to strengthen company policies, practices and transparency on key environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues through active ownership.
Case study
Engaging to model and measure impact
Engagement with companies is critical, both to unlock value for companies, investors and under-served communities worldwide, and to support the SDGs.
Case study
PRI Awards 2019 case study: Impact-Cubed White Paper
Company: Auriel Investors HQ: UK Category: ESG Research Report of the Year (shortlisted)
Case study
PRI Awards 2019 case study: Platform Living Wage Financials
Company: MN (on behalf of the PLWF) HQ: Netherlands Category: Active Ownership Project of the Year (winner)
Case study
PRI Awards 2019 case study: Cadmos Peace Investment Fund
Company: de Pury Pictet Turrettini (PPT) HQ: Switzerland Category: Active Ownership Project of the Year (shortlisted)
Case study
Engaging on green bonds issuers’ contribution to the SDGs
We believe the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) can serve as an engagement framework used to map out companies’ strategies and assess whether they are addressing material SDGs through their operations and supply chains or have gaps in their strategies regarding specific SDGs.
Case study
Engaging on food systems
At Candriam, engagement activities are integral parts of our fiduciary duty, contributing to a better assessment of the ESG risks and opportunities faced by issuers and prompting them to improve the way they manage these risks.
Case study
An SDG engagement process
In 2017, Etica Sgr started linking the issues discussed at AGMs with the SDGs in engagement letters and during dialogue with companies.
Blog post
Firing the starting gun on the SDGs in infrastructure investing
By Simon Whistler, Senior Specialist, Investment Practices
Case study
Engaging on the transition to electric vehicles and on human rights in the cobalt supply chain
The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) enable us to align our sustainable investment strategies and our active ownership approach with a broader goal. Our motivation behind SDG engagement is to use our position as an investor to influence investee companies to positively contribute to the SDGs.
Case study
Setting SDG-related engagement objectives
Robeco focuses its engagement activities with listed companies on material environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues that create long-term shareholder value. We view sustainability as a long-term driver of change that impacts the future performance of markets and companies.