All Sustainability outcomes articles – Page 2
Closing the funding gap: responsible investment in emerging markets
Investment in emerging markets remains substantially below the levels required to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement. In this webinar, we’ll explore how investors and other stakeholders can help close this gap - from developments at the policy level, to asset allocation and engagement with portfolio companies.
Blog post
Investing for sustainability impact: changes needed in EU policy framework
Alina Neculae, Senior policy analyst, EU and France, Policy, PRI
Sustainability outcomes: emerging investor data needs
This session outlines the key drivers of this trend along with practical implications for investors linked to outcomes-related corporate sustainability information.
Blog post
Legal Framework for Impact: embedding climate action in financial regulation
By Freya Bannochie, Policy Analyst, UK, PRI, and Laxmi Aeshwarya Kumar, Project Specialist, UNEP FI
Building ESG and sustainability outcomes into investment mandates
In this episode of the PRI podcast, the PRI’s director of Investment Practices, Toby Belsom, speaks with Marcel Jeucken from Sustfin and Daniel Ingram from Wilshire, both co-authors of PRI’s recent discussion paper about ESG in Investment Mandates.
Sustainability outcomes: why do they matter for investors?
Plenary session 4: Sustainability outcomes: why do they matter for investors?
Mandatory human rights due diligence: EU policy developments and implications
The importance of mandatory human rights due diligence is gaining momentum in EU policymaking, with the upcoming EU sustainable corporate governance directive and two social Taxonomy reports due from the Platform on Sustainable Finance by the end of the year.
Blog post
PRI Digital Forum: what levers do investors have to shape sustainability outcomes?
By Elsa Savourey, Senior Lead, Sustainability Outcomes, PRI
The future of participatory stewardship: bringing beneficiaries into RI dialogue
This webinar explored the trend of participatory stewardship, covering how investors can and are using beneficiary opinion on ESG issues to improve stewardship outcomes and engage members.
Linking net-zero target setting to real world outcomes
As investor net-zero targets and commitments gather momentum, this session will explore how investors can link their target setting to sustainability outcomes. The session will feature the work undertaken by members of the UN-Convened Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance.
The Sustainable Development Goals: identifying outcomes and setting targets
In this webinar, we will hear from those who are investing in the SDGs in Emerging Markets.
Investing for sustainability outcomes in emerging markets
In this webinar, we will hear from those who are investing in the SDGs in Emerging Markets.
Shareholder resolutions: voting in support of outcomes
In this webinar, we will explore how investors can use shareholder resolutions to support the pursuit of real-world outcomes.
Investing with sustainability outcomes
What does investing with an outcomes approach mean and what does it entail? In this podcast, PRI CEO Fiona Reynolds and William Burckart, President and COO of TIIP discuss the role of data and measurement to support investment decision-making.
PRI Digital Forum: EMEA - The Sustainable Development Goals
The Sustainable Development Goals: turning good intentions into good practice.
Blog post
Evolving ESG data: financial materiality, sustainability performance and sustainability outcomes
By Morgan Slebos, Director of Sustainable Markets
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