The Inevitable Policy Response and climate transition scenarios
The Inevitable Policy Response (IPR) is a climate transition forecasting consortium commissioned by the PRI which aims to prepare institutional investors for the portfolio risks and opportunities associated with an acceleration of policy responses to climate change.
IPR forecasts a continued acceleration in climate policy, driven in part, by the twin Paris Agreement Global Stocktake/Ratchet cycles between now and 2030. IPR assesses that those policy responses will be increasingly forceful, abrupt, and disorderly and produces in-depth scenarios to assist investors in navigating the financial, market and real economy uncertainties inherent in climate transition.
The latest (2023) IPR Forecast Policy Scenario (FPS) and associated energy, land use and bioenergy reports can be found here.
IPR scenarios are designed to provide a market view around which financial institutions can base their central expectations. IPR is driven by a detailed assessment of likely policy trajectories in the short and long term, grounded in transparent views on major policy areas across all major countries/regions.
The most extensive set of publicly available scenarios and underlying investor value drivers. This enables financial institutions to assess the risks and opportunities across the major sectors impacted by climate transition.
It also enables financial institutions to assess with greater granularity decisions about climate risk management and net zero alignment.
Energy, systems and land use
Apart from energy systems much of the detailed scenario analysis is related to food and land-use systems. IPR looks at the land-use related transition more thoroughly than other scenarios, including the extent of possible dietary shifts, the development of bioenergy, and the emergence of nature-based solutions (NBS).
By providing both the Forecast Policy Scenario (FPS), our most likely scenario and the Required Policy Scenario (RPS) our 1.5-degree scenario, IPR enables financial institutions to consistently assess:
This is a flagship project for the PRI, I urge all signatories to assess the implications of the Inevitable Policy Response for their portfolios and act now to protect and enhance value
- Fiona Reynolds, former CEO, PRI
Building on the October 2021 IPR 1.8C Forecast Policy Scenario ( FPS ) and 1.5 degree Required Policy Scenario ( RPS ) policy suite, in 2022 IPR is issuing Quarterly Forecast Trackers (QFTs) assessing climate policy, technology and land use developments and acceleration or deceleration in policy ambition against these 2021 IPR scenarios.
At COP27, IPR launched the new IPR Policy Gap Analysis assessing total progress to date against the Inevitable Policy Response scenarios in the years preceding the 2025 ratchet. It builds upon the 2022 Quarterly Forecast Trackers and provides a sector by sector assessment of policy developments across the G20+ economies.
Financial markets today have not adequately priced-in the likely near-term policy response to climate change. The Inevitable Policy Response (IPR) is a pioneering project which aims to prepare investors for the associated portfolio risks.
The IPR 2021 policy forecast is a thoroughly revised and updated set of policy forecasts, reflecting further detailed research on current and proposed policies, with input from global policy experts. The policy forecasts were updated in October 2021 to reflect developments between March 2021 to COP 26 and form the ...
New 2021 Forecast Policy Scenario from IPR shows rapid policy acceleration by 2025 would bring ‘below 2C’ Paris Agreement within reach
IPR FPS + Nature 2023 is the first integrated nature & climate scenario for use by investors. It fills a crucial gap in risk / opportunity assessments. FPS +N provides financial institutions with a forward-looking view to 2050 on how policy, technological and social trends could impact key value drivers.
Race to the top on clean energy – The US and EU response to China’s dominance: A new catalyst for more renewables involves a likely chain reaction of industrial policies for green industries in Western countries as evidenced in the EU Green Deal Industrial Plan.
IPR FPS + Nature 2023 is the first integrated nature & climate scenario for use by investors. It fills a crucial gap in risk / opportunity assessments. FPS +N provides financial institutions with a forward-looking view to 2050 on how policy, technological and social trends could impact key value drivers.
The new IPR supply chain analysis enables better climate risk analysis of tropical commodity supply chains by estimating value drivers and linking those to company exposure.
IPR has previously forecast that the US NDC would be achieved by 2030 and additionally, that the US will reach net zero by 2050.
The Amazon is a hotspot of global deforestation. Critically, illegal activities have been a key driver. Addressing this must be a primary focus in any attempt to end deforestation. The outcome of the October elections in Brazil at both the presidential and congressional levels are a pivotal moment. This analysis ...
This short paper by Brian Hensley and Marie Louise Gammelgård-Larsen at Kaya Advisory, a specialist climate policy consultancy, has been commissioned by the Inevitable Policy Response (IPR). It assesses the state of global carbon pricing, evolving policies around the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) and concepts such as Climate ...
Professor Nick Robins analyses the growing influence of just transition on climate policy across civil society, business and finance and outlines its emergence as key factor shaping how Inevitable Policy Response (IPR) global forecasts play out on carbon pricing, clean energy, fossil fuel phase down, EVs, agriculture and land use.
This short paper by Kaya, a specialist climate policy consultancy, has been commissioned by the Inevitable Policy Response (IPR). It assesses the initial implications for climate policy as a result of Russia’s invasion and war in Ukraine.
The Transition Disruption Metric (TDM) is based in the IPR 2021 Forecast Policy Scenario (FPS) scenario developed by IPR
As momentum towards net zero rises around the world, this report provides much needed transparency on the importance of land use and the role of Negative Emissions Technologies (NETs) in the transition to net zero.
Climate change poses a systemic risk to institutional investors. All portfolios are exposed to it, yet the impacts will be uneven across asset classes, sectors and geographies.
Investors are not managing existing water risk, let alone taking advantage of upside opportunities through better water-related investment. Forward-looking investors will develop investment channels for sustainable and productive water management and fundamentally re-align how they understand water risks.
Clean Energy is not enough to get the world to 1.5C. Mass Reforestation and Linking Agriculture with Carbon Pricing are critical to emissions reduction.
Pete Betts, Former Lead Negotiator on Climate for the EU and UK, and Senior Advisor to IPR reflects on the post Glasgow outlook
By Mark Fulton, Project Director - Inevitable Policy Response (IPR) & Founder - Energy Transition Advisers
By Mark Fulton, Programme Director, Inevitable Policy Response
By Mark Fulton, Founder, Energy Transition Advisors and Eric Ling, Engagement Manager, Vivid Economics
Fiona Reynolds, CEO, Principles for Responsible Investment
By Mark Fulton, founding partner at Energy Transition Advisors, The Inevitable Policy Response Project Lead and Advisor to the PRI
By Jason Eis, Executive Director, Vivid Economics, Mark Fulton, Founder, Energy Transition Advisers (ETA), Eric Ling, Engagement Manager, Vivid Economics
In this webinar, PRI and the Inevitable Policy Response (IPR) presented the IPR 2025 Transition Forecast, informed by input from several hundred international climate and policy experts.
In this special event following COP29 and the US elections, IPR and PRI assesses the long-term implications for investors of these decisive events in the transition towards net zero.
In the third of the IPR/PRI Quarterly Briefing series for 2024, major climate policy trends since July were analysed by an expert panel.
This second webinar in the Quarterly Briefing series for 2023 provides PRI signatories with the latest insights from the Inevitable Policy Response (IPR) and up-to-date analysis of global climate progress and trends in Q2 2023 so far.
This event will assess the latest on policy, investment and economic transition. Speakers will be sharing their views on climate policy progress against 1.5C. and implications for investors, transition finance. Hear green finance, climate policy and investor voices looking ahead on 2023.
4th webinar in the Quarterly Forecast Tracker (QFT) series will provide PRI signatories with an up-to-date analysis of climate progress in Q4 2022, including COP27 outcomes, and an aggregate overview of global trends & impacts since Glasgow COP26
This webinar will launch the new Inevitable Policy Response (IPR) Forecast Policy Scenario (FPS) + Nature. IPR FPS + Nature is the first integrated nature and climate scenario for use by financial institutions
With COP27 as the backdrop, this webinar from Sharm El-Sheikh will assess the biggest developments of the conference so far.
This webinar provides PRI signatories with the latest insights from the Inevitable Policy Response (IPR) on the long-term implications of climate and energy policy developments this quarter, including a focus on the United States.
In the second of a new 2022 quarterly webinar series, IPR, PRI and panellists will review long term implications for PRI signatories on the biggest developments each quarter, using the 2021 FPS as a baseline to measure progress.
In the first of a new 2022 quarterly webinar series, IPR, PRI and panellists will review the implications for signatories on the biggest developments each quarter, using the 2021 FPS as a baseline to measure progress.
This webinar will see the launch of the Detailed FPS and RPS Energy & Land System Results and Value Drivers for investors. This will be an opportunity for North and South America based signatories to engage on underlying value drivers and investment implications in IPR Forecasts out to 2025 and ...
This webinar will explore implications for investors and provide an opportunity for Asia-Pacific based signatories to engage on IPR Forecasts out to 2025 and 2030. Presented by Julian Poulter, IPR Head of Investor Relations with PRI staff and partners.
This webinar will explore implications for investors and provide an opportunity for Asia-Pacific based signatories to engage on IPR Forecasts out to 2025 and 2030. Presented by Julian Poulter, IPR Head of Investor Relations with PRI staff and partners.
This webinar will provide a deep dive opportunity for UK and EU based signatories to engage on FPS, RPS and investment implications in IPR Forecasts out to 2025 and 2030. Presented by Julian Poulter, IPR Head of Investor Relations with PRI staff and partners.
This session will provide investors with an initial presentation of IPR’s newly-launched Policy Scenario reports and highlights. The focus will be on both macro and regional outlooks including energy and land use, providing signatories with opportunities for detailed review of IPR scenarios, value drivers and investment implications.
With COP26 as the backdrop, this live from Glasgow webinar will assess the biggest outcomes of Week 1 and what Week 2 holds. Looking ahead to the Emissions Gap, the latest Inevitable Policy Response forecasts will be highlighted as part of the way forward in coming years. Join PRI CEOFiona ...
During this webinar the PRI give an update on The Inevitable Policy Response, a pioneering project commissioned by the PRI.
A forceful policy response to climate change within the near term is not priced into today’s markets. Yet it is inevitable that governments will be forced to act more decisively than they have so far, leaving investor portfolios exposed to significant risk.
To better understand how the Inevitable Policy Response could be of use to your and your investment team, please get in touch.
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