Climate policy

The manifestation of climate change-induced physical risks, the risks of a disorderly transition, and the risk of a failure to transition to net zero are causing irreversible impacts on society and the environment, and destabilising effects on the financial system. A clear, consistent, and enabling policy environment is critical to the viability of the net zero transition, and successful policy implementation helps minimise risks to the real economy, to individual systems, and to the financial system as a whole.

Reports by region/category




  • pathway-through-landscape

    Taking stock of sustainable finance policy developments


    The PRI’s Director of Global Policy, Margarita Pirovska, examines how policy developments over the past year will impact the work of responsible investors.

  • Writing on white paper 183669578 copy

    PRI and IIGCC policy briefing on key sustainable finance policy priorities for the UK


    This joint briefing by the PRI and IIGCC identifies areas that the UK Government should prioritise in the short-term in 2024 to accelerate delivery of the building blocks of the UK’s sustainable finance framework and support progress against the UK’s net zero objectives.

  • COP2_Blog_Hero

    COP out: how the promise of Glasgow has faded


    By Eliette Riera, Head of UK Policy, PRI

  • Independent_Review_of_Net_Zero

    Investor Briefing: Independent Review of Net Zero


    Chris Skidmore’s recently published Net Zero Review captures the transition to a net zero economy as a major pro-business and pro-investment opportunity. It offers policy recommendations centred around backing business, backing local action, delivering energy efficient homes, and using infrastructure to unlock net zero.

  • Policy-briefings

    2022 Policy Roundup


    In 2022 there was a strong focus of sustainable finance policy reforms across jurisdictions worldwide. In this briefing we provide a short roundup of policy developments in each of the PRI Policy Team’s key jurisdictions.

  • Outsourcing climate change_Hero

    Reconciling energy security with net zero commitments (UK)


    The war in Ukraine, alongside the unexpected, renewed focus on energy security and related debates on maintaining the focus on net zero commitments have prompted an update of the PRI’s UK climate policy roadmap (published in June 2020), which reflects the release of the UK Government’s British Energy Security Strategy ...

  • sector-pathways-to-net-zero

    How government and investors can deliver net zero in the UK


    [Region: UK] This briefing sets out the key policy priorities to put the UK on a trajectory to meet net zero emissions by 2050, and the role that investors can play. These priorities are consistent with a green recovery from the COVID-19 crisis.


  • Policy-briefings

    2022 Policy Roundup


    In 2022 there was a strong focus of sustainable finance policy reforms across jurisdictions worldwide. In this briefing we provide a short roundup of policy developments in each of the PRI Policy Team’s key jurisdictions.

  • stock-photo-hong-kong-china-december-view-of-the-city-center-in-the-financial-district-of-hong-kong-775986271

    Delivering carbon neutrality in China


    [Region: China] This briefing sets out key policy priorities to set China on a pathway to deliver carbon neutrality; and to do so in a way that is economically, politically and technologically achievable and ultimately beneficial. It is based on research from PRI’s Inevitable Policy Response project.


  • Policy-briefings

    2022 Policy Roundup


    In 2022 there was a strong focus of sustainable finance policy reforms across jurisdictions worldwide. In this briefing we provide a short roundup of policy developments in each of the PRI Policy Team’s key jurisdictions.

  • Skyline in tokyo japan 147263813 copy

    Policy briefing: Japan’s power sector and net zero


    Japan’s commitment to net-zero by 2050, announced by the former Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga and enshrined in Japanese law, has profound implications for the country’s power sector.

  • Skyline in tokyo japan 147263813 copy

    Delivering net zero emissions in Japan


    [Region: Japan] This briefing sets out key policy priorities to set Japan on a pathway to achieve a net zero emissions economy; and to do so in a way that is economically, politically and technologically achievable and ultimately beneficial. It is based on research from PRI’s Inevitable Policy Response project.


  • US-state-flags

    Policy briefing: Enabling US state-level sustainable financial systems


    [Region: US] Five high-level policy recommendations that US state and local officials can consider to support responsible investment practices.

  • sector-pathways-to-net-zero

    Demand for Climate Data is Not Going Away


    Greg Hershman, Head of US Policy, PRI

  • Policy-briefings

    2022 Policy Roundup


    In 2022 there was a strong focus of sustainable finance policy reforms across jurisdictions worldwide. In this briefing we provide a short roundup of policy developments in each of the PRI Policy Team’s key jurisdictions.

  • Climate-change-and-emissions-reduction

    How government and investors can deliver net-zero in the US


    [Region: US] This report sets out priorities for US federal climate policy which are economically feasible, readily implementable, and necessary. Policy reform can also represent a growth opportunity to enhance US competitiveness and retool large sections of the US economy.

PRI Climate Policy Engagement

The PRI also engages extensively on climate policy in partnership with external climate programmes and investors initiatives. This includes through our Secretariat capacity at the UN-convened Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance, and with the Investor Agenda.