All Sub-sovereign debt articles
PRI Web Page
PRI asset class and asset owner guidance advisory committees: call for new members
The PRI is looking for signatories to join its asset class and asset owner guidance advisory committees.
News and press
New PRI report helps investors consider ESG factors in Canadian provincial and municipal bonds
Initiative Climat International (iCI), together with ERM, launch today a new guidance document to help software companies account for their indirect or “value chain” greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, referred to as Scope 3 emissions.
Discussion paper
ESG considerations in Canadian provincial and municipal bonds
The materiality of environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors in the Canadian provincial and municipal bond market can be significant.
Blog post
How US anti-ESG laws raise borrowing costs for public finance
By Daniel Garrett, The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania; and Ivan Ivanov, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
News and press
US municipal bonds well-placed for thematic ESG investing, new PRI report says
The Principles of Responsible Investment (PRI) has released its second report on ESG investment approaches in the US$4trn US municipal (muni) bond market. This report, The thematic ESG approach in US municipal bonds, frames key issues when investors use muni bonds to finance projects tied to specific environmental or social ...
Discussion paper
The thematic ESG approach in US municipal bonds
US municipal (muni) bonds play an important role in funding public services and infrastructure, hence they are fundamentally well positioned for responsible investment strategies. Muni bond issuers will be key in the transition to a low carbon economy.
Are Carbon Emissions Associated with Stock Returns?
The PRI Academic Network Week was hosted across five days between 19 - 23 September 2022
Thematic ESG investing in the US municipal bond market
In this episode of the PRI podcast, Jasper Cox, Investment Practices Analyst at the PRI, speaks with Christian Leveque, Municipal Portfolio Manager and Strategist at Payden & Rygel, and Ruth Ducret, Senior Analyst, Municipal Research at Breckinridge Capital Advisors.
The US opioid crisis and municipal funding
This podcast explores how the US opioid crisis plays out at the local level, with repercussions not just on lives lost and healthcare costs, but also US municipal bonds and the cost of local authorities’ funding.
Integrating ESG factors in US municipal bonds
The PRI’s Jasper Cox discusses how environmental, social and governance issues affect the credit risk of US municipal bonds with PIMCO’s Emily Robare and Breckinridge Capital Advisors’ Andrew Teras.
US municipal bonds: addressing the data differences for ESG integration
Does the ESG data used by investors to assess US municipal and corporate bonds differ, and is there enough self-reported issuer data available? Which ESG risk area has the biggest data limitations, and what role could bondholder engagement play in enhancing data disclosure? Featuring a muni bond issuer, an investor ...
Blog post
Opioid abuse affects municipal access to capital
By Kimberly Cornaggia, Pennsylvania State University - Department of Finance; John Hund, University of Georgia; Giang Nguyen, Pennsylvania State University - Smeal College of Business and Zihan Ye, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Thought leadership
Broadening the outreach to investment consultants
Investment consultants are critical stakeholders in the investment chain, advising institutional asset owners on a range of issues, including the selection, appointment and monitoring of external managers. They can play a key role in supporting asset owners to develop responsible investment practices, and to assess their investment managers’ ESG incorporation ...
ESG Integration in the US Municipal Bond Market
This webinar will present the main findings from ESG Integration in Sub-Sovereign Debt: The US Municipal Bond Market, the first in a series of reports examining this unique and diverse market segment.
ESG factors and municipal bond yields
The PRI Academic Network Week was hosted across five days between 13-17 September 2021.
Blog post
US municipal bonds: ESG investors play catch up
By Carmen Nuzzo, Head of Fixed Income, PRI, and Jasper Cox, Investment Practices Analyst, Fixed Income, PRI
Discussion paper
ESG Integration in Sub-Sovereign Debt: The US Municipal Bond Market
Momentum is building for investors in US municipal bonds to incorporate environmental, social and governance factors systematically in their analysis and valuations, however they face multiple challenges.