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Call for case studies: Human rights in fixed income
Just as for all businesses, institutional investors have a responsibility to respect human rights, as defined in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs). Fixed income investors are no exception.
Blog post
PRI launches diversity, equity and inclusion DDQ for institutional investors
By Elena Espinoza, Senior Specialist, Social Issues, PRI and Shaska Chirinos, Relationship Manager, Signatory Relations, Americas, PRI
Diversity, equity and inclusion DDQ for institutional investors
This due diligence questionnaire (DDQ) is designed to help institutional investors understand how investment managers and investment consultants approach diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) within their own organisations, through their investment activities or the manager research process
Case study
Fidelity International: Early-stage stewardship in the Chinese market
Case study by Fidelity International
Case study
Manulife Investment Management: enhancing gender diversity in Chinese holdings
Case study by Manulife Investment Management
Case study
E Fund Management: improving corporate governance in China through engagement
Case study by E Fund
Engagement guide
Unlocking the potential of investor stewardship in China: towards a more sustainable economy
How Chinese policy makers can improve the country’s regulatory framework for effective stewardship, including for addressing ESG issues
Case study
Harvest Fund Management: Exercising stewardship to drive transitions towards carbon neutrality
Case study by Harvest Fund Management
Case study
EOS at Federated Hermes: promoting human capital management through engagement
Case study by EOS at Federated Hermes
Case study
Southern Asset Management: fixed income engagement in the Chinese context
Case study by Southern Asset Management (SAM)
Policy report
Investor briefing: EU sustainable finance taxonomy
This briefing provides an overview of the EU taxonomy, including a proposed delegated act on gas and nuclear energy.
Case study
Openspace Ventures: ESG value creation work at start-ups
Openspace Ventures on how it works with companies to create long-term value creation strategies that can scale sustainable businesses.
Case study
Fin Capital: ESG incorporation in venture capital investment
Fin Capital on why ESG metrics are as important as financial measurements and how it works with companies to close any identified gaps.
Case study
The Westly Group: Helping to build diverse teams for the future
The Westly Group highlights how its diversity work across deal sourcing, due diligence, portfolio management and internal hiring is starting to deliver notable results.
Case study
Wafra: Taking a holistic approach to ESG diligence in venture capital
Wafra Inc. discusses its practical approach to ESG integration, which focuses on financially or operationally material issues.
Discussion paper
Closing the funding gap: The case for ESG incorporation and sustainability outcomes in emerging markets
How investors can use responsible investment practices to manage risk and meet return objectives while working towards closing the emerging markets funding gap.
What is a social taxonomy and why do investors need one?
Against the backdrop of the EU Platform on Sustainable Finance’s new report on the design of a social taxonomy, the panel will discuss the key ideas behind extending the Taxonomy Regulation to cover social objectives, as well as the merits and concerns of which investors should be aware.