All Social issues articles – Page 4
PRI Web Page
PRI in a Changing World
A short video introducing the PRI in a Changing World signatory consultation - on the future of responsible investment; the PRI’s vision, mission and purpose; and the value we provide to signatories.
Blog post
Altruism or self-interest: What drives employees to invest in their companies?
By Maxime Bonelli, HEC Paris; Marie Brière, Amundi, Paris Dauphine University, and Université Libre de Bruxelles; and François Derrien, HEC Paris
PRI in Person 2022: Using stewardship to tackle human rights issues in metals & mining and renewables
Hear about the plans and strategy for the first phase of Advance – PRI’s new collaborative stewardship initiative on human rights and social issues, where engagement has begun with the metals & mining and renewables sectors.
PRI in Person 2022: Advancing investor action on human rights and social issues
How can investors take action on human rights and social issues in line with international human rights standards, and in line with a rapidly evolving existing and anticipated regulatory environment?
Case study
Sycomore Asset Management: Assessing the societal contribution of companies
SDG outcomes case study
Academic Network Conference: PRI Awards for outstanding research
Papers discussed: ‘Socially responsible divestment’ and ‘Physical climate risk and firms’ adaptation strategy’.
Case study
ACSI: Improving standards of company engagement with First Nations people
Australian Council of Superannuation Investors, in collaboration with its members, working to mitigate the risks of harm to cultural heritage
Case study
Bridge Investment Group: Workforce and affordable housing strategy
A private scalable market solution for preserving and rehabilitating housing and dedicated social programming for America’s workforce
Case study
SEB Investment Management: Sustainability Score
In 2020, SEB Investment Management initiated a collaboration across teams and asset classes to create a proprietary sustainability model
Case study
AllianceBernstein: ESG engagement campaign on modern slavery
Engaging with issuers on modern slavery to push for positive change
News and press
Over 200 investors representing US $30 trillion in AUM sign up to ‘Advance’ – world’s largest Stewardship initiative on human rights
The Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) today launches ‘Advance’ – the largest collaborative stewardship initiative on social issues and human rights.
PRI reporting analysis
Sustainability outcomes: What does our reporting data reveal about emerging signatory practices?
This report provides the first insights of its kind into what signatories told us in their 2021 reporting about how they are embedding sustainability outcomes considerations in their investment activities.
Discussion paper
What data do investors need to manage human rights risks?
With the right data, investors can incentivise companies to manage risks around human rights
PRI statement on draft European Sustainability Reporting Standards
This PRI statement welcomes the latest draft European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) by the European Financial Advisory Group (EFRAG) and sets out five priority elements that co-legislators should retain within the final standards.
PRI in a Changing World signatory consultation webinar
Chief Responsible Investment Officer, Nathan Fabian, briefed signatories on why the PRI conducted the consultation and provided information on the formal signatory survey, including key themes and questions.
Blog post
Venture capital investors must take ESG due diligence seriously – our new DDQ can help
By Daram Pandian, Associate, Private Equity & Venture Capital, and Peter Dunbar, Head of Private Equity, PRI
Workshop summary
Human rights in private markets: preventing and mitigating negative outcomes
Key points from a workshop on 15 September 2022 where private markets industry participants discussed how to prevent and mitigate negative human rights outcomes.
PRI - Real Estate Update - Q4 2022
Join us for updates on the Q4 2022 release of the PRI Real Estate programme and hear about recent and upcoming guidance from experts.