All Social issues articles – Page 13
ESG, credit risk and COVID-19
Issuers’ crisis preparations and responses, and bondholder engagement, are two key areas of focus when considering the credit implications of the COVID-19 pandemic through an environmental, social and governance (ESG) lens.
PRI Web Page
Phase two of PRI’s COVID-19 Response
In continuing our work to address the issues responsible investors are facing with regards COVID-19, we are pleased to be launching our next phase.
AGM Season 2020: investor questions on COVID-19
This guidance (co-developed by the PRI, Business & Human Rights Resource Centre, California State Teachers’ Retirement System and APG) provides investors with ESG-related questions to ask investee companies’ – at annual general meetings (AGMs) and in follow-up engagements – about their responses to COVID-19.
Blog post
Labour rights during COVID-19 and beyond: a framework for investor action
By Elena Espinoza, Manager, Social Issues, PRI
COVID-19 and ESG in the 2020 AGM season
Join this webinar to hear from Fiona Reynolds, CEO at the PRI, and investor speakers for an overview of the questions investors should raise on ESG issues during this year’s AGM season in response to COVID-19.
Blog post
A shield against COVID-19: embedding human rights in investment
By Bettina Reinboth, Head of Social Issues, PRI, and Nikolaj Halkjaer Pedersen, Senior Specialist, Responsible Investment, PRI
How responsible investors should respond to the COVID-19 coronavirus crisis
The COVID-19 pandemic – and the global response to it – is a serious threat not only to global health, but to our communities, our economies and our investments.
How private equity investors can help tackle modern slavery
In the last episode in our series of modern slavery podcasts, the PRI’s Head of Social Issues, Bettina Reinboth speaks with Anders Stromblad, Head of Alternative Investments and External Management at AP2. There are currently 40.3 million people in modern slavery today. To bring this number close to zero by ...
PRI London Forum - Finance Against Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking
This video explores the implications for investors of a strengthened UK Modern Slavery Act, and discuss best practices for engaging with companies on this critical issue.
Human rights and renewable energy companies: what role can investors play?
In this episode of the PRI podcast, the PRI’s Nabylah Abo Dehman is joined by Steven Heim, Managing Director, Boston Common Asset Management, and Annie Signorelli, Project Manager for Renewable Energy and Human Rights at the Business and Human Rights Resource Centre.
Modern slavery and development finance institutions (DFIs)
In this episode of the PRI podcast, the second in our series on modern slavery, the PRI’s Head of Social Issues, Bettina Reinboth, speaks with Mark Eckstein. Mark is Director of Environmental and Social Responsibility at CDC Group. He was a commissioner of the Liechtenstein Initiative, a partnership between the ...
Why disability inclusion in the workplace is an investor issue, with Ted Kennedy, Jr.
In this episode, the PRI’s CEO, Fiona Reynolds, speaks with our very special guest, Ted Kennedy, Jr.
What role can investors play in combatting modern slavery? A Human Rights Day special
In this episode of the PRI podcast, published on International Human Rights Day, the PRI’s Head of Social Issues is joined by Anne-Maree O’Connor, Head of Responsible Investment at the New Zealand Superannuation Fund.
Human rights due diligence and modern slavery: the case for investor action
This webinar will explore how investors can play a role in pushing for more and better human rights due diligence and will focus in particular on efforts to tackle modern slavery and human trafficking. Speakers from the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights, the World Business Council for ...
A blueprint for mobilizing finance against slavery and trafficking
Finance Against Slavery and Trafficking’s Blueprint provides a collective action framework for the whole financial sector and professional service providers to accelerate action to end modern slavery and human trafficking.
Tailings in the mining sector: opportunities for investor action
At PRI in Person, the PRI’s Elena Espinoza spoke with John Howchin, Secretary-General, Council of Ethics of the Swedish National Pension Funds, and Jaime Gornsztejn, Director, Hermes EOS, about tailings in the mining sector.
PIP19 -Ensuring a just transition to a low-carbon economy
The shift to a resilient, low-carbon economy will boost prosperity and be a net driver of job creation. However, there will be transitional challenges for workers, communities and countries if this shift is not inclusive and sustainable. In this session we will discuss: what a just transition means in practice, ...
PIP19 - Finance in human rights: What should investors do / be concerned about?
As the investment community increasingly recognises it has a role to play in ensuring that investee companies are addressing human rights issues, this session will: outline the relevance of human rights due diligence to investors; explore the avenues through which investors can facilitate real-world positive impact; discuss how investors can ...
Case study
PRI Awards 2019 case study: Managing risk associated with modern slavery
Company: CDC Group HQ: UK Category: ESG Research Report of the Year (shortlisted)
Case study
PRI Awards 2019 case study: Kigali Bulk Water Supply Project
Company: Investec Asset Management HQ: South Africa Category: Real World Impact Initiative of the Year (shortlisted)