For updates regarding the current reporting cycle, please visit our R&A Updates page.
Streamlined PRI reporting in 2025 – what signatories need to know (see video below)
Signatories commit to reporting on their responsible investment activities when signing the Principles.
Resources for signatories to prepare for reporting
This user guide explains the key functions of the Reporting Tool and how signatories can navigate the tool to complete their reporting.
The Glossary contains the main and most frequently used terms in the PRI Reporting Framework and how the PRI defines them.
PRI membership minimum requirements for investors
What signatories receive after reporting
This guide provides instructions on how to access the PRI’s reported data in the PRI’s Data Portal.
The PRI’s minimum requirements establish a baseline of responsible investment practices in line with our six Principles.
The PRI collects the largest global dataset on responsible investment practices. We analyse data submitted by investor signatories through the Reporting Framework to determine trends and encourage industry progression. On this page you’ll find dedicated data analysis reports.
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