Today the PRI is providing an update on the revised Reporting Tool for 2023 reporting. We are also releasing the 2021–2023 PRI Reporting Framework indicator changes guide, which maps the 2023 Reporting Framework indicators against the 2021 indicators, to help signatories identify where data points and information reported in the 2021 cycle could be re-used this year.

2023 Reporting Tool 

Following the 2021 reporting cycle, Reporting Tool feedback centred on structural inefficiencies and system errors that negatively impacted signatories’ reporting experience. After considering how best to deliver on that feedback, the PRI concluded that the 2021 Reporting Tool platform does not remain fit for purpose. To deliver the improvements in reporting experience signatories require, the PRI is returning to an updated version of the Reporting Tool platform used in 2020. This enables the return of functionalities that signatories were missing in 2021. The PRI has also undertaken significant development and testing of the tool to introduce efficiencies for 2023 and has sought to address a broad range of feedback.

2021 feedback points 2023 Reporting Tool improvements


  • Snapshot of reporting progress, at module and indicator-level, from the overview page
  • Ability to navigate to specific indicators from the overview page

Reporting tool content – design and logic

  • Simpler indicator structures
  • Re-introduction of an “all assets/strategies” option in indicators with multiple possible responses

Flexibility to respond to questions

  • Ability to choose order in which to complete modules (note that some indicators won’t be unlocked until a gateway indicator has been completed)
  • Visibility from the overview page of indicators not started

Reporting tool content – explanatory notes and links

  • Explanatory notes directly accessible from within each indicator
  • Definitions directly accessible in Reporting Tool by hovering over the relevant terms


  • Multiple users able to work on the survey at the same time

In addition to the revised Reporting Tool, improvements have been made to the content and structure of most indicators in the 2023 Reporting Framework, illustrating the extent of PRI’s work to improve the overall reporting experience.

2023 approach to prefilling and Indicator changes guide

The PRI recognises that pre-filling, the ability to re-use data from previous reporting cycles, is an important mechanism for reporting efficiency and the overall reporting experience. The revised Reporting Tool and Reporting Framework, including changes to both content and structure of most indicators, means it is not feasible to accurately prefill responses from 2021 via an automated process.

To provide a guided prefill mechanism in 2023, the PRI has prepared the 2021–2023 PRI Reporting Framework indicator changes guide.  It outlines, at an indicator level, the extent of changes between the 2021 and 2023 Reporting Frameworks. Signatories can use the guide to identify where data points and information reported in the 2021 cycle could be re-used in 2023.

Today we have released an Excel version of the guide to enable signatories to see where they can re-use their 2021 responses well in advance of the reporting cycle opening. This guidance will also appear at indicator level within the Reporting Tool to facilitate the re-use of responses from 2021. This guide complements the improved Reporting Tool and the streamlined Reporting Framework, to deliver more efficient reporting.

Guidance and Resources

We encourage signatories to use this guide, along with the other guidance materials already published, to start gathering their data and preparing for the 2023 reporting cycle. The full complement of resources now available can be found on the Investor reporting framework page. 

An overview of the Indicator changes guide will be provided in the webinar on 15 March; please register if you have not already done so.

 For any queries not answered by the available guidance, please contact your Relationship Manager or email [email protected]

Further updates will continue to be announced on R&A Updates, so please check back regularly.