We are pleased to share that the updated 2021 assessment methodology is now available on our website. Investors will receive their 2021 Assessment Reports in early September 2022, and scores will be based on the revised methodology. We highly encourage signatories to familiarise themselves with the scoring methodology ahead of the September launch.

In 2021, the assessment methodology was revised in line with the wider changes to the Reporting Framework and to better reflect the state of the responsible investment market as well as future advancements. The updated version of the full 2021 assessment methodology is now available on our website, alongside updated 2021 Reporting Framework modules and a tracking document that highlights any changes to indicator-level scoring methodology from 2021 to 2022.  

The finalised assessment guidance allows signatories to familiarise themselves with the methodology ahead of the 2021 assessments launch in early September.   

In 2021:

  • The module grading system shifted from alphabetical (A+ to E) to numerical (1 to 5 stars) to reflect that scores for the 2021 reporting cycle are not comparable to those of previous years.
  • The modules are scored with a numerical grading system ranging from 1 to 5 stars. The lowest possible grade is one star, allocated to those whose responsible investment behaviour is at the lower end of what is expected from signatories. The highest score is five stars and awarded to those signatories who demonstrate leading practices within the responsible investment industry.
  • Scores are provided per module or per asset class, with some modules receiving a score per sub-strategy (please see the full methodology for more information). The PRI does not provide organisations with an overall score.

Assessment scores and reports continue to be confidential. For those who wish to share their assessments, please be sure to follow our publication guidelines, outlined under “Sharing Assessment Reports” in the Frequently Asked Questions section.

The value of PRI reporting for signatories is to showcase their responsible investment activities within a global framework that allows them to track progress and learn from peer best practice. Assessments facilitate such learning and development by outlining how signatories’ implementation of responsible investment compares year-on-year, across asset classes, and with peers at the local and global level.

The revised 2021 assessment methodology helps signatories identify areas of improvement based on a Reporting Framework that is fit-for-purpose and reflects changes in the current market. We continue to monitor the reporting landscape and responsible investment market to produce an effective Reporting Framework and Assessment for 2023.

Questions can be directed to [email protected].