All Progression pathways articles
PRI Web Page
What are Progression Pathways?
A video explainer of the PRI’s new tailored approach to supporting PRI signatories in their responsible investment practices.
Blog post
Progression Pathways design: What signatories want
Emmet McNamee explains how the PRI’s Progression Pathways provides step-by-step journeys for signatories to develop and progress their responsible investment practice.
News and press
PRI introduces Progression Pathways, a step-by-step journey to support progress on responsible investment practices
PRI seeks collaborative feedback from signatories to shape future investment practices
Technical guide
Progression Pathways - Advancing responsible investment practices among PRI signatories
A progression pathway is a step-by-step journey for PRI signatories to develop and progress their responsible investment practice. This paper proposes two initial concepts for signatories to consider. Over the remainder of 2023, and in 2024, we will invite signatories to share their ideas, concerns and design preferences to help ...
PRI Web Page
PRI in a Changing World
Understanding signatory views on the changing expectations of responsible investors, and how the PRI might adapt to better support our signatories.
Blog post
The role of the PRI in a changing world
By David Atkin, CEO, Principles for Responsible Investment
PRI in a Changing World signatory consultation webinar
Chief Responsible Investment Officer, Nathan Fabian, briefed signatories on why the PRI conducted the consultation and provided information on the formal signatory survey, including key themes and questions.