The PRI is inviting its signatories to contribute directly to the strategy and execution of its private equity programme.

The PRI’s Investment Practices team takes an asset class-specific approach to support signatories’ implementation of the six Principles. Each programme is supported by a signatory-led advisory committee which helps the PRI create and implement strategies for: outreach and industry engagement; clarification on how ESG relates to risks and opportunities; highlighting examples of best practices; and supporting implementation of the six Principles.

Please review the PRI Private Equity Advisory Committee (PEAC) Terms of Reference for an overview of the members’ roles and commitments. Membership is refreshed periodically, in line with PRI’s governance rules, and the PRI does its best to maintain a fair representation of the PRI PE signatory base in the PEAC.

The decisions on new membership will be made in consultation with existing PEAC members (see the list here). The outgoing members (who have completed their terms) are:

  • Michael Cappucci, Harvard Management Company;
  • Scott Zdrazil, Los Angeles County Employees Retirement Association (LACERA);
  • Jennifer Signori, Neuberger Berman;
  • Ignacio Sarria, New Mountain Capital; and
  • Silva Deželan, Stafford Capital Partners.

Participation requirements:

  • Available to start from January 2022 for a three-year term;
  • Four 60-90 minute committee meetings per year;
  • Preparation, contributions, and follow-up actions for committee meetings; and
  • Additional involvement in work streams (e.g., voluntary contributions to sub-committees or working groups, producing case studies or research, speaking on event panels or webinars, engaging media, hosting meetings etc.).
  • Should be employed at a PRI signatory;
  • Should be relatively senior within their organisation;
  • Should add to the broad and diverse range of skills, backgrounds and expertise that exists within the PEAC; and
  • Should ideally have demonstrated proactive interest/a history of activity with the PRI PE programme and/or leadership on responsible investment in private equity.

PEAC Members:

To apply for the Private Equity Advisory Committee, PRI signatories should complete this application form by Friday, 29th October 2021.


For questions about PRI’s private equity workstream and advisory committee, please contact [email protected].