All Plastics articles
PRI Web Page
The UN Global Plastics Treaty
An overview of how PRI has supported the financial sector’s engagement with the treaty negotiations, the outcomes from INC-5, and what’s next.
Turning the tide on plastic waste and pollution
Plastic pollution is a global challenge and systemic issue, exposing financial institutions to a range of material financial risks. Every year we produce 300 million tonnes of plastic waste (more than the weight of the entire human population) and only 9% of this is recycled.
COP 15 — the ‘Paris moment for nature’: Is finance on board?
In this webinar, we learn about what the financial sector can expect from this ‘Paris moment for nature’, at COP 15 in December 2022 in Montreal, Canada under the Presidency of the People’s Republic of China.
Case study
MFS Investment Management: Creating a framework to turn thematic plastic research into actionable investment insights
Case study by MFS Investment Management
Blog post
CBD COP15: What does the global biodiversity framework mean for investors?
By Gemma James, Senior lead, Environmental Issues, PRI
Blog post
How investors can support a circular economy for plastics: new engagement guidance
By Rebecca Chapman, Specialist, Environmental Issues, PRI, and Gerald Naber, Programme Manager, New Plastics Economy, Ellen MacArthur Foundation
Engagement guide
Engaging on plastic packaging: Waste management
Css What should investors know before engaging? For the purposes of this guide, the waste management sector encompasses waste collection, sorting, recycling, incineration, treatment and disposal. Companies can be involved in one or more of these activities, some of which – such as incineration and landfill – will ...
Engagement guide
Engaging on plastic packaging: Containers and packaging producers
Css What should investors know before engaging? This engagement guide focuses on companies that convert plastics into packaging – products that are used to contain, protect, handle, deliver, store, transport and present goods.[1] Plastics are widely used because – depending on the application – they are durable, can ...
Engagement guide
Engaging on plastic packaging: Petrochemicals
Css What should investors know before engaging? The petrochemicals sector is concerned with the production and trade of petrochemicals, which are used in products such as plastics, fertilisers, clothing, medical equipment, detergents, tyres, and many others.[1] The production of plastic polymers is a major component of petrochemical demand. ...
Engagement guide
Engaging on plastic packaging
The PRI has published four guides to help investors engage with key sectors in the plastic packaging value chain including petrochemicals, containers and packaging, fast-moving consumer goods and waste management. The reports were developed with expert input from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and PRI’s Plastics Investor Working Group.
Engagement guide
Engaging on plastic packaging: Fast-moving consumer goods
Css What should investors know before engaging? Fast-moving consumer goods companies manufacture products that are sold frequently, in high volumes, and at a relatively low cost. For the purpose of this guide, these products include branded and own-brand[1] non-durable household goods, including packaged foods, beverages, personal care products ...
Workshop summary
ESG in credit risk: Workshop with borrowers in the chemical sector
Credit analysts met with seven companies from the chemical sector to discuss energy usage and targets, plastics recycling and the need to transition to a sustainable economy.
Engagement guide
The plastics landscape: regulations, policies and influencers
Rounding off a three-part series titled The plastics landscape, this report explores the various plastic-related regulations and policies at different stages of the value chain. It also looks at the types of movements that are influencing how plastic is regulated, managed and used.
Engagement guide
Plastics: The challenges and possible solutions
With an increase in global production and consumption of plastics, and less than 20 percent of plastics recycled globally, plastic waste is increasing – and mismanaged.
Engagement guide
Risks and opportunities along the plastics value chain
The level of global interest in plastic production, consumption and waste has soared in recent years. While much of this focus has been on the risks and impacts, it is important to recognise that the flexibility and resilience of plastic mean that products made from the material perform many crucial ...
Workshop summary
How can investors help create a plastics economy that works? Event roundup
Whilst plastic is fundamental to everyday life, plastic waste poses significant reputational risks, particularly for the food, beverage and retail sectors.