All Nature articles – Page 3
Blog post
Circular economy: The missing link for investor action on climate and nature
By Rebecca Chapman, Head of Environment
Nature as a Defense from Disasters: Natural Capital and Municipal Bond Yields
The PRI Academic Network Week was hosted across five days between 19 – 23 September 2022.
Blog post
Criticising ESG incorporation does not make it any less essential
By David Atkin, CEO, Principles for Responsible Investment
Blog post
The 2022 AGM season: Which ESG issues have shareholders targeted?
By Rob Henry, Intern, Stewardship team
New green shoots: The latest innovations in nature finance
Join UNEP FI, PRI, the EU Finance@Biodiversity Community and the Finance for Biodiversity Pledge to hear about positive stories and the latest innovations for financing nature.
Getting started in nature, biodiversity and finance
This webinar will introduce how nature is connected to climate change and finance, as well as introducing key concepts and initiatives.
2021 Forecast Policy Scenario and launch of the Value Drivers Database Americas
This webinar will see the launch of the Detailed FPS and RPS Energy & Land System Results and Value Drivers for investors. This will be an opportunity for North and South America based signatories to engage on underlying value drivers and investment implications in IPR Forecasts out to 2025 and ...
PRI Digital Conference: Designing mandates for impact
This session will explore some of the challenges and opportunities for both asset owners and investment consultants to take the next step in incorporating outcomes into the design of mandates.
Blog post
CBD COP15: What does the global biodiversity framework mean for investors?
By Gemma James, Senior lead, Environmental Issues, PRI
Blog post
Complementary or conflicting: How does state intervention interact with green investing to affect corporate environmental behaviour?
By Shipeng Yan and Juan (John) Almandoz, University of Hong Kong; and Fabrizio Ferraro, IESE Business School
Blog post
How investors can support a circular economy for plastics: new engagement guidance
By Rebecca Chapman, Specialist, Environmental Issues, PRI, and Gerald Naber, Programme Manager, New Plastics Economy, Ellen MacArthur Foundation
Sustainable and Healthy Food Systems: Considering the E and the S of ESG
This webinar will discuss investment risks from nature loss to malnutrition, on the one hand, and opportunities arising from sustainable agriculture and healthier diets, on the other. Critical to the delivery of the SDGs agenda, food systems represent a material concern for responsible investors.
Deforestation as a systemic risk
Deforestation is a systemic risk to the entire financial landscape and has been identified as a priority issue for the upcoming COP26 summit. In this panel, Nigel Topping will explore with leading investors how deforestation can be integrated into their net zero strategies.
Natural capital: mapping depletion
In this session, we will discuss newly-launched maps in the tool, ENCORE, on natural capital hotspots of depletion with our partners UNEP-WCMC, and outline how investors can use the maps practically to engage with investees on natural capital.
Blog post
Mapping natural capital hotspots of depletion
Sylvaine Rols and Haf Davies, UNEP-WCMC and Gemma James, PRI
Thought leadership
Mapping natural capital depletion
The PRI and UNEP-WCMC have developed maps to showcase hotspots of relative natural capital depletion on a global scale, available for visualisation in ENCORE – an interactive, online tool that highlights how businesses may be exposed to accelerating environmental change.
Joining the dots: investor action on climate and nature
To begin this PRI Digital Forum, we will draw together these two critically important topics and highlight some of the approaches investors can take to achieve progress on both fronts.
Blog post
Why COVID-19 is driving action on climate, biodiversity and social justice
By Fiona Reynolds, CEO, PRI
Preventing the Next Pandemic: How Can Investors Manage Deforestation Risks?
During this webinar, we will discuss the link between deforestation and viruses such as Covid-19. We will also provide insights into which assessment tools are currently available to investors to better manage deforestation risk in their portfolios.
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