All Listed equity articles
PRI reporting analysis
Global responsible investment trends 2025: inside PRI reporting data
This analysis charts the development of global responsible investment practices, based on responses from 3,048 signatories
Case study
Savills Investment Management: embedding climate resilience
Adapting real assets to become climate resilient.
Case study
Clear Skies Investment Management: using the SDGs to guide investment decisions
The Clear Skies Impact Radar is a proprietary tool to assess target company performance on the SDGs and identify weaknesses which could represent risks.
Introductory guide
An introduction to responsible investment: listed equity
How investors can manage ESG issues when analysing public companies and constructing listed equity portfolios
Case study
Investi: Accelerating innovation in sustainable finance through collaboration
A collaboration between 12 major Quebec financial institutions led by Innocap.
Introductory guide
An introduction to responsible investment: Screening and exclusions
This guide explains what screening is and why investors apply screening rules
PRI Web Page
PRI asset class and asset owner guidance advisory committees: call for new members
The PRI is looking for signatories to join its asset class and asset owner guidance advisory committees.
Blog post
The defence sector in focus: Common ESG risks
Nikolaj Halkjaer Pedersen, Senior Lead at the PRI’s Human Rights and Social Issues team, says investors should be cautious before re-assessing their defence positions.
Blog post
Six takeaways from the 2024 proxy season - and why voting remains a critical tool for investors
Trends from the 850+ ESG-related shareholder resolutions, management proposals and director votes compiled on the PRI Resolution Database this proxy season.
PRI reporting analysis
Global responsible investment trends: Inside PRI reporting data
This report finds that signatories have continued to enhance their RI practices, with RI policies becoming more detailed, action on sustainability outcomes more widespread and disclosures more in-depth since the 2021 reporting cycle.
Blog post
Excluding high-emitting companies from sustainable funds is counterproductive
Rather than incentivising heavy polluters to cut back, such an approach may cause them to pollute more
Blog post
Analysing the world’s largest asset owner’s approach to ESG engagement
Remunerated engagement, in combination with index inclusion, can significantly enhance companies’ ESG scores
Case study
Net zero in practice: Insights from equity investors
This report shares insights from the first comprehensive set of case studies around how to implement net-zero commitments in listed equity portfolios.
Blog post
Do financial incentives drive the voting behaviour of ESG funds?
By Tao Li, The University of Florida; Lakshmi Naaraayanan, London Business School; Kunal Sachdeva, Rice University
Proxy Season 2023: key takeaways and looking ahead
Are the tides changing? This session focuses on the key takeaways from the 2023 proxy season and what this could mean for 2024. Participants are equipped with the tools and guidance PRI offers to support investors throughout the proxy cycle.
Blog post
Amplification, not apathy: Investor proxy votes increasingly challenge corporates in 2023
By Bonnie Groves, Specialist, Stewardship and Yejin Hur, Intern, Stewardship
Case study
Mirova: Using the SDGs to accelerate sustainable economic transformation
SDG outcomes case study
Case study
VFMC: Portfolio alignment with net zero
Zeroing in on Scope 3 emissions to advance net-zero ambition
Case study
Robeco: Re-baselining for a net-zero commitment
Striving to accurately track progress by controlling for changes in financial metrics.
Climate commitments made, what next for public and private equity?
The session will explore the next, post-target setting stage of net zero investing.