All Legal Framework for Impact articles – Page 2
Policy report
Legal framework for impact: Briefing for policy makers
Financial investments drive real-world outcomes on issues such as climate change, sustainable development and human rights – whether the impacts are intended or not. Investors increasingly recognise that financial returns depend on the stability of social and environmental systems, especially in the long term. This is driving investors to increasingly ...
Thought leadership
Canada: Integrating sustainability goals across the investment industry
Canadian investors may be interpreting their legal duties in ways that discourage them from considering sustainability impact goals, even where pursuing such goals can help them discharge their duty to achieve financial returns.
News and press
Why Canada’s Investors Should Take Action To Improve Sustainability Impacts And Mitigate Climate Risks
Today, the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) in partnership with the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEPFI) and the Generation Foundation released the Canada Legal Framework for Impact policy report.
Blog post
Sustainability outcomes: How can investors support the development of meaningful data?
By Stephen Andrews, Senior Data Analyst, and Julie Hammer-Monart, Senior Analyst, Sustainability Outcomes
Policy report
2022 Policy Roundup
In 2022 there was a strong focus of sustainable finance policy reforms across jurisdictions worldwide. In this briefing we provide a short roundup of policy developments in each of the PRI Policy Team’s key jurisdictions.
Thought leadership
UK: Integrating sustainability goals across the investment industry
A number of policy measures could enable UK investors to pursue positive sustainability impacts through their investments, in particular where that is relevant to financial returns.
Blog post
The human right to a healthy environment provides a strong mandate to investors
By Louisa Guy, UK Policy Analyst, PRI
News and press
More clarity is needed to help Australian investors pursue sustainability objectives, says new report
Today, the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), UNEP FI and the Generation Foundation publish a new report on the policy barriers limiting the ability of institutional investors in Australia to pursue sustainability objectives, providing recommendations for policy reforms.
Thought leadership
Australia: Integrating sustainability goals across the investment industry
Five policy and regulatory reforms could help investors pursue environmental and social goals, and two further measures should also be considered.
Blog post
Solvency II has some new sustainability impact requirements and they matter for insurers
By Alina Neculae, Senior Policy Analyst, EU and France, Policy, PRI
Reflecting on the discussion: Investing for sustainability impact in Japan (和訳)
「インパクトをもたらす投資に関する法的枠組み:投資意思決定におけるサステナビリティ・インパクト」(原文:「A Legal Framework for Impact: sustainability impact in investor decision-making」、以下「LFIレポート」)公表後、責任投資原則(PRI)日本ポリシーチームはウェビナーを開催し、レポートに含まれる法的分析から読み取れる政策的な示唆について関連分野の専門家に講演頂きました。本ウェビナーでは、金川国際法律事務所、金融庁、第一生命保険株式会社、及びPRI日本事務局に登壇頂きました。
Blog post
Investing for sustainability impact: changes needed in EU policy framework
Alina Neculae, Senior policy analyst, EU and France, Policy, PRI
Thought leadership
European Union: Empowering investors to pursue sustainability goals
New measures are needed to enable mainstream EU investors to pursue environmental and social goals
Reflecting on the discussion: Investing for sustainability impact in the UK
An expert panel discusses the application in the UK of the research in the ground-breaking report A Legal Framework for Impact. This article summarises the discussion during the PRI-sponsored webinar on investing for sustainability impact.
Reflecting on the discussion: Investing for sustainability impact in Japan
Representatives from a Japanese asset owner, regulator and law firm discussed A Legal Framework for Impact in a webinar sponsored by the PRI. Read more in this summary of the event.
A Legal Framework for Impact: investing for sustainability impact in the EU
The session will begin with an overview of the “A Legal Framework for Impact” report followed by a presentation of key findings from the legal analysis of EU jurisdiction and areas of reform.
A Legal Framework for Impact: investing for sustainability impact in the UK
The session will begin with an overview of the report “A Legal Framework for Impact” authored by Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, and commissioned by The Generation Foundation, PRI and UNEP FI. A presentation of key findings from the legal analysis of UK investment regulation will follow.
A Legal Framework for Impact: Policy insights from a legal analysis of Japan
PRIは、2019年11月よりThe Generation Foundation が支援する「A Legal Framework for Impact」プロジェクトの一環として、UNEP FIと協働しながら11の国/地域における既存の法的枠組みを調査し、投資家
Blog post
Sustainable finance policy reform: building momentum in 2022
By Margarita Pirovska, Director of Policy, PRI
Blog post
Legal Framework for Impact: embedding climate action in financial regulation
By Freya Bannochie, Policy Analyst, UK, PRI, and Laxmi Aeshwarya Kumar, Project Specialist, UNEP FI
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