All Legal Framework for Impact articles
Thought leadership
Investing for Sustainability Impact guidance
This guide was created for PRI signatories – both asset owners and investment managers – on investing for sustainability impact.
Policy engagement
PRI response to the FfD4 Co-Facilitators’ call for inputs
Global: The PRI welcomes the development of an Elements Paper which will put forth potential elements of the Outcome Document of the Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD4).
Case study
Nippon Life Insurance Company
Nippon Life’s portfolio-level goal is for its general account portfolios to be net-zero by FY2050, and they believe this goal remains achievable through the actions detailed in this case study.
Thought leadership
A Legal Framework for Impact: Summary report
This summary report, authored by the PRI, UNEP FI and the Generation Foundation, concludes the implementation phase of the Legal Framework for Impact (LFI) programme.
Case study
NOW: Pensions
Engaging with policymakers to advocate for policies that address the gender pay and gender pensions gap.
Case study
Brunel pension Partnership
Creating a Climate Change Policy that enables effective action, focused on real-world decarbonisation and transparency to its members for the remainder of the decade.
Case study
Andra AP-fonden (AP2)
Integrating human rights considerations into all AP2’s activities, and contributing to net positive human rights development, to avoid risks linked to human rights violations.
Policy report
PRI’s 2030 EU Policy Roadmap
Six key policy actions to fine-tune and improve the usability and coherence of the existing sustainable finance framework, build on it where necessary, and develop and strengthen the links with broader EU Green Deal policies.
Thought leadership
Building on Fiduciary Duty in the 21st Century: A Legal Framework for Impact
With the debate about whether fiduciary duty requires investors to integrate material ESG issues in their investment decisions now settled, the Legal Framework for Impact research report addresses fundamental legal questions about the pursuit of better real-world sustainability outcomes.
Policy report
Policy briefing: Investing for sustainability outcomes workshop
Approximately 50 delegates gathered at a recent investor workshop at PRI in Person to explore how investors are approaching sustainable outcomes in their investments.
Policy report
Policy briefing: Sustainability outcomes workshop
At the PRI’s Sustainability Outcomes Forum in Australia, October 2023, signatories came together to share their experiences and practices in pursuing sustainability outcomes.
LFI Japan:署名機関含むステークホルダーの皆様との意見交換から得られた示唆(参考和訳)
「インパクトをもたらす投資に関する法的枠組み:投資意思決定におけるサステナビリティ・インパクト」(原文:「A Legal Framework for Impact: sustainability impact in investor decision-making」、以下「LFIレポート」)公表後、責任投資原則(PRI)日本ポリシーチームはウェビナーを開催し、レポートに含まれる法的分析から読み取れる政策的な示唆について関連分野の専門家に講演頂きました。本ウェビナーでは、金川国際法律事務所、金融庁、第一生命保険株式会社、及びPRI日本事務局に登壇頂きました。
LFI Japan: Insights from signatories and stakeholders
Following the recent publication of A Legal Framework for Impact (LFI) Japan: Integrating Sustainability Goals Across the Investment Industry (the LFI Japan Report), we are pleased to share key insights and themes from two related events: a webinar and round-table on how to integrate sustainability outcomes across the Japanese financial ...
LFI Japan: Integrating sustainability goals across the investment industry (Japanese)
A presentation of key findings from the legal analysis of Japanese investment regulation.
LFI Japan: Integrating sustainability goals across the investment industry (English)
A presentation of key findings from the legal analysis of Japanese investment regulation.
News and press
Leaders in responsible investment call for clearer standards in Japan
The PRI, UNEP FI and the Generation Foundation’s 2023 ‘A Legal Framework for Impact’ report on Japan finds institutional investors are unsure whether regulations allow them to invest for impact.
Thought leadership
Japan: Integrating sustainability goals across the investment industry
Many Japanese investors remain unaware of the extent to which they are permitted or required to invest for sustainability impact. This report sets out five policy recommendations to clarify this question.
Policy report
Strengthening effective stewardship in Australia: Understanding barriers and opportunities
Building on the findings and recommendations in the reports, A Legal Framework for Impact, Legal Framework for Impact: Australia, and the Stewardship Policy Toolkit, this report sets out the findings of research into how Australian institutional investors conduct stewardship and identifies barriers that limit how effectively they use stewardship to ...
Blog post
Pension funds need to consider beneficiaries’ sustainability preferences more – here’s why the IORP II consultation matters
By Alina Neculae, Senior Policy Analyst, EU and France, Policy, PRI