Principles to Practice

The PRI has developed a range of tools and guides to help signatories develop their own approach when it comes to putting the principles into practice.

With waves of regulation being introduced in local jurisdictions, accusations of greenwashing, as well as a wide range of new financial products and approaches to investing, the responsible investment landscape is changing. Regulators, savers and stakeholders are now increasingly looking at how PRI signatories put their principles into practice.

To help signatories respond to these changes and pressures, the PRI has developed the following tools and guides:

Responsible Investment Policy

Climate Commitments

Our data shows that climate change is the primary issue of concern among signatories, and many have introduced commitments to reduce the climate footprint of their portfolios. The following resources give examples of implementing climate commitments:

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Allianz: Decarbonisation strategy for listed equity

Differentiated approach addresses the range of strategies used within a core-satellite structure.

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ClearBridge Investments: Verifying net-zero alignment

Investment universe shaped by net-zero alignment assessments

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RBC Global Asset Management: Measuring portfolio net-zero alignment

Suite of climate metrics used to gauge weighted average carbon intensity of portfolios

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Mirabaud Asset Management: Reaching net zero through engagement

Mirabaud believes the optimal asset allocation strategy to support the energy transition is to invest in energy-intensive companies that demonstrate a willingness to shift their business models and develop alternative energies

Fixed Income & Biodiversity

The recent COP-15 has brought the issue of biodiversity into focus for the financial community and the Taskforce for Nature-Related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) will quickly provide a framework for action. Many of our signatories are now developing their approach and considering options in this area and the PRI has been involved in a number of discussions that map what is possible.

Human Rights in Private Markets

Businesses, Governments and institutional investors all have a responsibility to respect human rights – a responsibility formalised by the UN & OECD in 2011. Since 2011 investors have a better understanding of investors’ role in reviewing supply chains, thinking about due diligence, helping influence project development and promoting better practice. PRI held a series of workshops to enable signatories to think about how the four principles outlined in the UN Global Principles might be integrated into investment & business decision making.



Practical approaches to human rights due diligence in private markets


This session will examine the different approaches private markets investors are taking to human rights due diligence.

Real Estate Investment

For asset owners, allocation towards real estate is a component of most balanced portfolios. It is an asset class that has obvious implications for greenhouse gas emissions and impacting local communities and the natural environment. Yet, in terms of measuring, reporting and analysing ESG factors, it is very different from listed equity or fixed income. PRI has developed a series of resources to help asset owners and specialists to understand approaches in this asset classes including:


An introduction to responsible investment: real estate


A guide to managing ESG issues in real estate