Listed equity

Responsible investment allows listed equity investors to make better informed investment decisions by integrating all material factors - including environmental, social and governance (ESG) - into investment analysis, valuations and decisions.

Find below practical guides and tools to help investors incorporate ESG factors into their listed equity portfolios - along with case studies, blogs, podcasts and webinars sharing best practice.

Introductory guides


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ESG integration in listed equity: A technical guide


This guide aims to support listed equity investors in integrating environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations into their strategies. It is intended as a resource for those looking to review or update ESG policies and practices over time, but will also cater to those developing a responsible investment approach for ...


Net zero in practice: Insights from equity investors


This report shares insights from the first comprehensive set of case studies around how to implement net-zero commitments in listed equity portfolios.


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Discussing divestment: Developing an approach when pursuing sustainability outcomes in listed equities

For listed equity investors, the decision to engage with or divest from ESG laggards depends on the ESG issues concerned as well as the (sustainability) objectives of their clients and beneficiaries.

EU taxonomy

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Implementing the EU taxonomy: An update to the PRI’s ‘Testing the Taxonomy’ report

This paper explores how investors are implementing the regulation

ESG incorporation best practice

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ESG incorporation in listed equity – thoughts on best practice


Valuation and risk models must be sufficiently long term to capture the full impact of ESG risks and opportunities. There are trade-offs between capturing the benefits of deep ESG analysis and building a portfolio that adheres to traditional diversification approaches.

PRI in Person & Digital Conference

Case studies

Listed equity related case studies

Practical guides and tools

Digital media resources