All Infrastructure articles – Page 4
Case study
Aviva Investors SDG case study
Signatory type: Investment managerOrganisation name: Aviva InvestorsLocation of HQ: UKTotal AUM: US$423.6bnSDG goals/targets: SDG 7, 13Practice area: Investment practiceAsset class: Real assetsInvestment region: Global
Case study
Actis SDG case study
Signatory type: Asset owner/Investment managerOperating region: Africa, Asia, Latin AmericaAssets under management: US$12bnPractice area: Engagement
Blog post
Now is the time for governments to set standards on infrastructure and the SDGs
By Simon Whistler, Senior Specialist, Investment Practices
Thought leadership
Are national infrastructure plans SDG-aligned, and how can investors play their part?
Table & Sub-menu styles Sub-menu Executive summary Investors are under increasing pressure to demonstrate that their investments support improved environmental, social and governance (ESG) outcomes, and infrastructure has an essential role to play in governments achieving their national sustainability goals. Investors and governments should therefore work ...
The Social Licence: the foundation for sustainable infrastructure investing
Gaining and retaining a ‘social licence’ is a critical step towards sustainable infrastructure investing. This webinar will assess why this issue has become more important than ever, and discuss practical steps that investors can take to enhance their social licence.
Blog post
Laying the foundations for sustainable infrastructure investing
By Simon Whistler, Senior Specialist, Investment Practices, the PRI
PIP19 - Managing physical climate risk in infrastructure investments
The impacts of climate change are no longer a distant phenomenon. 2018 was again a costly year for natural disasters in the US, Europe and Asia at $155bn, following a record-breaking year of losses in 2017. Together with members of the PRI Infrastructure Advisory Committee, this session will ask:
Case study
PRI Awards 2019 case study: Australian Infrastructure Sustainability Project
Company: IFM Investors HQ: Australia Category: Active Ownership Project of the Year (shortlisted)
Blog post
Firing the starting gun on the SDGs in infrastructure investing
By Simon Whistler, Senior Specialist, Investment Practices
Blog post
How to invest in renewable energy responsibly
By Fiona Reynolds, CEO, the PRI, and Phil Bloomer, Executive Director, Business & Human Rights Centre
Blog post
Building the conversation around social issues in infrastructure investing
By Simon Whistler, Senior Manager, Real Assets, the PRI
Blog post
The EU taxonomy: a generational shift for responsible investment
By Will Martindale (@WillJMartindale), Director of Policy and Research, the PRI If responsible investment is to prove its mettle, it is right that we measure the sustainability of the economic activities we finance. This will allow us to better allocate capital to economic activities consistent with the ...
Labour rights in infrastructure investing
In this webinar, the PRI, IFM Investors and the Committee on Workers’ Capital discussed key issues and different approaches to managing labour issues in infrastructure investing, and particularly sought to highlight how greater engagement between core stakeholders on these issues can be a critical success factor for different infrastructure projects.
Responsible investment DDQ for infrastructure investors
In order to encourage a globally consistent approach to infrastructure investor due diligence and ESG disclosure by infrastructure managers, the PRI launched the Infrastructure Investor Responsible Investment Due Diligence Questionnaire.
News and press
PRI launches infrastructure due diligence questionnaire
In order to encourage a globally consistent approach to infrastructure investor due diligence and ESG disclosure by infrastructure managers, the PRI has today launched the Infrastructure Investor Responsible Investment Due Diligence Questionnaire (DDQ).
Benchmarking infrastructure assets on ESG performance
The PRI and GRESB teamed up to produce a webinar explaining why investors use the GRESB Infrastructure platform, how it works and the value it brings to their organisations.
Technical guide
Key challenges for infrastructure investors
Responsible investment in infrastructure is still maturing.