All Human rights articles – Page 4
Spotlight on human rights: addressing sovereign bondholders’ challenges
In this episode of the PRI podcast, Jasper Cox, Investment Practices Analyst at the PRI, speaks with Camilla Ogunbiyi, Senior Sovereign ESG Analyst at Nordea Asset Management, and James Lockhart Smith, Vice President for Markets at Verisk Maplecroft.
Case study
The Westly Group: Helping to build diverse teams for the future
The Westly Group highlights how its diversity work across deal sourcing, due diligence, portfolio management and internal hiring is starting to deliver notable results.
What is a social taxonomy and why do investors need one?
Against the backdrop of the EU Platform on Sustainable Finance’s new report on the design of a social taxonomy, the panel will discuss the key ideas behind extending the Taxonomy Regulation to cover social objectives, as well as the merits and concerns of which investors should be aware.
Responsible investment in times of conflict: the social implications
In this session, we will bring together different voices to highlight and discuss the social and human rights implications of conflict.
Blog post
What the war in Ukraine means for climate policy
By Ed Baker, Head of Climate Policy, and Margarita Pirovska, Director of Policy, PRI
Blog post
What does international conflict mean for responsible investment?
By Nathan Fabian, Chief Responsible Investment Officer, PRI
Using investor stewardship to tackle human rights and social issues
This session will explore how investors can collectively contribute to advancing the human rights agenda through their stewardship activities.
Spotlight on human rights: impact of mass incarceration on equity and labour rights
This episode explores the impact of mass incarceration on people and also on their families and communities. It also looks at the involvement of investors and businesses in the prison system, particularly around contracted prison labour in companies’ supply chains and the actions they can take to mitigate negative social ...
How investors can strengthen health equity: lessons learned from the pandemic
This session will cover lessons learned from the pandemic and the solutions investors need to work towards to ensure universal access to health.
PRI Web Page
Russian invasion of Ukraine
Following the tragic events of the past week, the PRI joins people around the world in great compassion for the people of Ukraine.
Putting the Principles into practice: Principle 1
Learn how the PRI can support signatories implement Principle 1: incorporating ESG issues into investment processes across asset classes. We present the tools and guidance PRI has developed to help - regardless of your investment objectives or strategies
Managing systemic issues through active ownership
All PRI signatories have a duty to be active owners, yet conceptions of and actual practice related to active ownership vary significantly, particularly in real assets, private equity and private debt.
Thought leadership
Diversity, equity & inclusion: Key action areas for investors
Investors need to expand their focus beyond gender and diversity and address issues such as inclusion, equity and other characteristics to truly benefit from DEI
Getting started in responsible investment
This panel will explore steps signatories have taken to develop, implement and improve their approach to responsible investment. Covering practical responses to global challenges including the climate crisis and human rights, we hope that attendees will leave with some real actions they can implement in their own organisations.
Discussion paper
The investor case for responsible political engagement
Investors working towards sustainability objectives must ensure that their portfolio companies are conducting political engagement in a responsible manner
Discussion paper
Human rights in sovereign debt: the role of investors
Investors in sovereign debt have less leverage on human rights issues than investors in equities or corporates. But they are not powerless. In this report, we outline three steps sovereign investors can take when considering human rights issues in their investment decisions and we propose a range of responses.
Spotlight on human rights: Taking stock of what’s next for business and human rights
In this episode of the PRI’s human rights podcast series, the PRI’s Bettina Reinboth speaks to Surya Deva, Chair of the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights and John Morrison, CEO of the Institute of Human Rights and Business, on the impact of the UNGPs during the last ...
PRI Digital Forum: Americas - Keynote address: human rights
Keynote address from John Ruggie, Berthold Beitz Research Professor in Human Rights and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School