All Human rights articles – Page 3
PRI reporting analysis
Sustainability outcomes: What does our reporting data reveal about emerging signatory practices?
This report provides the first insights of its kind into what signatories told us in their 2021 reporting about how they are embedding sustainability outcomes considerations in their investment activities.
Discussion paper
What data do investors need to manage human rights risks?
With the right data, investors can incentivise companies to manage risks around human rights
Workshop summary
Human rights in private markets: preventing and mitigating negative outcomes
Key points from a workshop on 15 September 2022 where private markets industry participants discussed how to prevent and mitigate negative human rights outcomes.
FIFA World Cup: What responsible investors can do to tackle labour issues
In this episode, we take a look at human rights issues in major sporting events, in particular, migrant work.
Blog post
Investor action on decent work would receive boost from SEC-mandated disclosures
By Remi Fernandez, Specialist, Human Rights & Social Issues, PRI, and Karen Kerschke, US Policy Analyst, PRI
Blog post
Youth G20: Why is it relevant for investors?
Safeguarding a liveable planet matters to everyone, especially the next generation
Investor human rights policy commitments: an overview
Examples of our signatories’ human rights policy commitments that are consistent with the UNGPs
Blog post
The human right to a healthy environment provides a strong mandate to investors
By Louisa Guy, UK Policy Analyst, PRI
Human rights benchmarks for investors: an overview
This resource provides a general overview of human rights benchmarks available to investors.
Blog post
What does the Roe v. Wade ruling mean for investors?
By Remi Fernandez, Specialist, Human Rights & Social Issues, and Betina Vaz Boni, Senior Analyst, Governance, PRI
PRI Web Page
Endorse Advance: the PRI-led stewardship initiative for human rights
Sign the investor statement for Advance, the new PRI-led initiative where institutional investors will work together to take action on human rights and social issues.
Workshop summary
Human rights in private markets: identifying and assessing negative human rights outcomes
Key points from a workshop held on 30 June 2022 where private markets industry participants discussed how to identify and assess negative human rights outcomes.
The investor role in advancing decent work
This session will explore how and why investors should act on advancing the decent work agenda. It will focus on how the pandemic has exacerbated many of the pre-existing challenges, what minimum safeguards are needed to support decent work and how investors can harness the key transitions to support workers ...
Incorporating human rights and climate into investment mandates
The ICGN have recently published an update of the ICGN model mandate paper alongside the GISD. In this session we will explore the paper, how it might be used and how the relationship between asset managers and asset owners has changed since the publication of the original paper in 2012.
Discussion paper
How investors can advance decent work
This paper will define the concept of decent work, emphasising a human-centric approach towards workers and their rights, in line with various global standards and frameworks.
Blog post
The net-zero transition in China: progress has been made, but challenges remain
By Nan Luo, Head of China, PRI
Case study
Öhman Fonder and Folksam: Taking on Amazon’s approach to human rights
Human rights case study
PRI Web Page
Call for case studies: Human rights in fixed income
Just as for all businesses, institutional investors have a responsibility to respect human rights, as defined in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs). Fixed income investors are no exception.
Diversity, equity and inclusion DDQ for institutional investors
This due diligence questionnaire (DDQ) is designed to help institutional investors understand how investment managers and investment consultants approach diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) within their own organisations, through their investment activities or the manager research process
Case study
Storebrand Asset Management: Leading the Investors Policy Dialogue on Deforestation
Active Ownership 2.0 case study