All Human rights articles
Policy report
Policy briefing: UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
This briefing summarises key elements of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights which establish a global framework for preventing and addressing the risk of adverse human rights impacts linked to business activity.
Case study
BMO Global Asset Management: Respect and protect human and Indigenous Peoples’ rights: A focus on Canada
Shortlisted for PRI Awards 2024: Recognition for Action – Human Rights
Case study
Swedbank Robur: Driving engagement on children’s rights
Shortlisted for PRI Awards 2024: Recognition for Action – Human Rights
Case study
Redwheel: The Greenwheel human rights toolkit for investors
Shortlisted for PRI Awards 2024: Recognition for Action – Human Rights
Case study
AkademikerPension: Integrating human rights into our multi-asset class investment strategy
Shortlisted for PRI Awards 2024: Recognition for Action – Human Rights
Policy report
Discussion paper: The human rights and nature nexus
Policy reform options to address synergies and trade-offs.
PRI Web Page
The PRI at the United Nations Forum on Business and Human Rights
The PRI attended the 13th United Nations Forum on Business and Human Rights (25-27 November 2024) in Geneva, Switzerland. Read an overview of our objectives and relevant events.
Case study
Quadria Capital: Investing for lasting change
Introducing an impact management and measurement framework which aligns with SDGs and maps out initiatives and targets for each portfolio business.
Case study
Investors Against Slavery and Trafficking Asia Pacific (IAST APAC)
PRI Awards 2024 Winner: Recognition for Action – Human Rights category
Policy report
Discussion paper: The socioeconomic implications of the transition
A discussion paper exploring how social issues could inform a whole-of-government policy approach to the economic transition.
PRI reporting analysis
Real estate: Insights from the 2023 reporting cycle
Reporting data shows real estate investors are increasingly integrating asset class specific ESG guidelines into their responsible investment policies.
PRI reporting analysis
Infrastructure: Insights from the 2023 reporting cycle
The vulnerability of infrastructure to environmental risks is reflected in the depth and breadth of responsible investment policies made by infrastructure investors, and the extent to which the same are incorporated in Limited Partnership Agreements.
Blog post
The defence sector in focus: Common ESG risks
Nikolaj Halkjaer Pedersen, Senior Lead at the PRI’s Human Rights and Social Issues team, says investors should be cautious before re-assessing their defence positions.
Introduction to the TISFD: What are the goals, and how can investors contribute?
The Taskforce on Inequality and Social-related Financial Disclosures (TISFD) was introduced by its steering committee, followed by a panel discussion and Q&A.
Investors and human rights: Ways forward in a time of complexity
Presented by the PRI and UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights.
PRI reporting analysis
Human rights and social issues: Insights from the 2023 reporting cycle
Taking a deep dive into our 2023 signatory reporting data, we analysed how more than 3,700 PRI signatories are implementing human rights standards across global markets.
Blog post
Delivery of the SDGs is off track. Investors are crucial in promoting human rights
Accelerated collaborative efforts from governments, investors, companies and civil society are needed, say Yanni Aissaoui-Helcke and Remi Fernandez.
Policy report
PRI’s 2030 EU Policy Roadmap
Six key policy actions to fine-tune and improve the usability and coherence of the existing sustainable finance framework, build on it where necessary, and develop and strengthen the links with broader EU Green Deal policies.
Introductory guide
An introduction to responsible investment: Human rights
What are human rights and how can asset owners and their advisers manage them in the investment process?
Blog post
Placing human rights at the centre of the economic transition
By Davide Cerrato, Senior Policy Specialist, Human Rights and Social Issues, PRI