Human rights

Since the UN Human Rights Council developed Guiding Principles (UNGPs) in 2011, human rights has become increasingly important in responsible investment. Leading investors also recognise that meeting these international standards leads to better financial risk management.

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The PRI at the United Nations Forum on Business and Human Rights

The PRI attended the 13th United Nations Forum on Business and Human Rights (25-27 November 2024) in Geneva, Switzerland. Read an overview of our objectives and relevant events.

Getting started


Why and how investors should act on human rights

Just as for all businesses, institutional investors have a responsibility to respect human rights.

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An introduction to responsible investment: Human rights

What are human rights and how can asset owners and their advisers manage them in the investment process?

Tools and guides

Now available to download: The PRI's Human Rights reporting guidance (PDF), which summarises the human rights-relevant indicators in the 2023 Reporting Framework and how they correspond to the responsibilities outlined in the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs).


Investor human rights policy commitments: an overview

Examples of our signatories’ human rights policy commitments that are consistent with the UNGPs


What data do investors need to manage human rights risks?

With the right data, investors can incentivise companies to manage risks around human rights

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Human rights and social issues: Insights from the 2023 reporting cycle

Taking a deep dive into our 2023 signatory reporting data, we analysed how more than 3,700 PRI signatories are implementing human rights standards across global markets.


How to identify human rights risks: A practical guide in due diligence

As formalised by the UN and the OECD in 2011, institutional investors have a three-part responsibility to respect human rights


Human rights benchmarks for investors: an overview

This resource provides a general overview of human rights benchmarks available to investors.


Human rights - case studies

Examples of leading practices around investors challenges, opportunities and responsibilities in relation to human rights.

Human rights in specific asset classes


Human rights due diligence for private markets investors: a technical guide

This guidance aims to help private markets investors adopt consistent human rights practices and make more informed investment decisions

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Human rights in private markets: identifying and assessing negative human rights outcomes

Key points from a workshop held on 30 June 2022 where private markets industry participants discussed how to identify and assess negative human rights outcomes.

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Human rights in sovereign debt: the role of investors

Investors in sovereign debt have less leverage on human rights issues than investors in equities or corporates. But they are not powerless. In this report, we outline three steps sovereign investors can take when considering human rights issues in their investment decisions and we propose a range of responses.

Thematic focuses

Diversity of skills, gender and age may accelerate integration of climate-related issues

Diversity, equity and inclusion

Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) have a clear basis in human rights. This is reflected in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as well as in the International Labor Organisation (ILO) standards.


Decent work

Protecting and promoting decent work is enshrined in global human rights frameworks. Decent work is also included in the UN's Sustainable Development Goal 8 - to promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all.

Get involved



Advance is a PRI-led collaborative initiative where institutional investors seek to advance human rights and positive outcomes for people through investor stewardship