All HQ: Europe articles – Page 7
Case study
EU taxonomy alignment case study: Ostrum Asset Management
Ostrum AM strongly believes that a taxonomy is essential to define whether ’green’ investments are detailed and coherent; a view shared by our main clients. Indeed, CNP Assurances asked us to develop this case study (taxonomy impact on Green Bonds (GB))
Case study
The importance of corporate governance in strategic asset allocation
Case study by Aberdeen Standard Investments (ASI) Signatory type: Investment manager Region of operation: Global Assets under management: US$500bn Aberdeen Standard Investments (ASI) is a large diversified asset management company based in the UK. We manage over US$500bn of assets for a variety of institutional and retail clients ...
Case study
Strategic asset allocation: adopting a dynamic multiperiod world perspective
Case study by LocalTapiola Asset Management Ltd Signatory type: Investment manager Region of operation: Finland Assets under management: US$12.2bn Why a multi-period SAA approach outpaces a static strategy Strategic asset allocation (SAA) is key for every long-term investor. It is the critical decision which will define whether an ...
Case study
Aligning strategic asset allocation to a +1.5°C world: a proposed framework
Case study by AXA Investment Managers
Case study
Introducing a sustainability budget to asset allocation decisions
Case study by Schroder Investment Management Organisation type: Investment manager Region of operation: Global Assets under management: £470.5bn Why creating a sustainability budget can help multi-asset investors reach their ESG goals Whatever the reasons for considering environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria and sustainability in a portfolio, managing ...
Case study
Incorporating ESG into long term investment return forecasts
Case study by Schroder Investment Management Signatory type: Investment Manager Region of operation: Global Assets under management: £470.5bn Why ‘environmental disruption’ could impact long term investment returns Over the last few years, we have been considering the economic and disruptive forces we think will shape the future investment ...
Case study
A total portfolio approach to climate alignment, ESG integration and real-world impact
Case study by The Scott Trust Limited (Guardian Media Group) Signatory type: Asset owner Region of operation: UK Assets under management: £1 billion Why ESG plays a vital role in our asset allocation decisions The Scott Trust is the owner of the Guardian Media Group, which publishes The ...
Case study
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a tool for strategic asset allocation
Case study by Brunel Pension Partnership Signatory type: Asset owner Region of operation: UK Assets under management: £30bn Why SDGs can be a vital tool in strategic asset allocation Strategic asset allocation (SAA) is set by each of our clients on an individual basis. We use the Sustainable ...
Case study
Accounting for extreme weather risks in strategic asset allocation
Case study by Ortec Finance Signatory type: Service provider Region of operation: Global Ortec Finance specialises in quantitative modelling of systemic climate-related risks and opportunities for use in strategic asset allocation and asset-liability management. We deliver quantified climate risk informed economic and financial scenarios. Why investors need to ...
Case study
Climate change: optimal choices in strategic asset allocation are a must
Case study by ASR Nederland / ASR Asset Management (a.s.r.) Signatory type: Asset owner / investment manager Region of operation: The Netherlands Assets under management: €70bn a.s.r. is a signatory to both the Paris Agreement and the Dutch Climate Agreement and wants to play a leading role as ...
Case study
STOA SDG case study
Signatory type: Private equity investor / Asset ownerOperating region: Developing countriesAssets under management: €180 millionSDG targets: SDGs 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 & 13Practice area: Engagement for impact
Case study
Aviva Investors SDG case study
Signatory type: Investment managerOrganisation name: Aviva InvestorsLocation of HQ: UKTotal AUM: US$423.6bnSDG goals/targets: SDG 7, 13Practice area: Investment practiceAsset class: Real assetsInvestment region: Global
Case study
Actis SDG case study
Signatory type: Asset owner/Investment managerOperating region: Africa, Asia, Latin AmericaAssets under management: US$12bnPractice area: Engagement
Case study
Integrating climate change in passive investments: A developed markets equity strategy
Case study by UBS Asset Management
Case study
Aligning a passive equity portfolio with the SDGs
Case study by FTSE Russell & Pensioenfonds Detailhandel
Case study
Embracing ESG investing through a sustainable multi-factor equity index
Case study by Robeco
Case study
Developing a conscious selection framework for responsible investment in passive allocations
Case study by Pensioenfonds Metaal en Techniek
Case study
Incorporating climate considerations into a multi-factor equity index
Case study by FTSE Russell