All Hedge funds articles
Case study
Investi: Accelerating innovation in sustainable finance through collaboration
A collaboration between 12 major Quebec financial institutions led by Innocap.
PRI Web Page
PRI asset class and asset owner guidance advisory committees: call for new members
The PRI is looking for signatories to join its asset class and asset owner guidance advisory committees.
PRI reporting analysis
Global responsible investment trends: Inside PRI reporting data
This report finds that signatories have continued to enhance their RI practices, with RI policies becoming more detailed, action on sustainability outcomes more widespread and disclosures more in-depth since the 2021 reporting cycle.
PRI reporting analysis
Inside PRI data: Investment manager practices
There are many responsible investment practices that are now widely practised among the PRI’s investment manager signatories. A large majority publish core policies and have executive oversight of their implementation.
Responsible investment DDQ for hedge fund investors
This due diligence questionnaire (DDQ) has been developed to help investors understand and evaluate hedge fund managers’ approaches to responsible investment.
PRI Digital Conference - Breakout session: Long/short investment strategies
In this session, experts from academia and industry will discuss these questions and map out their vision of how long/short strategies might be integrated into a responsible investment strategy.
Blog post
How compatible is shorting with responsible investment?
By Toby Belsom, Director of Investment Practices, PRI
Discussion paper
Shorting and responsible investment: A review
The PRI has a growing number of signatories that allocate to investment strategies that use shorting. These signatories also seek to adhere to the PRI’s six Principles.
Case study
Rating responsible investment hedge fund managers
Organisation name: Man Group Signatory type: Investment manager Assets under management: US$123.6 billion Region of operation: Global Man Group is firmly committed to responsible investment and is a long-term signatory to the United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment. Our Man FRM unit is focused on alternative investments, through managed accounts, ...
Case study
Creating an ESG framework for multi-strategy hedge fund manager research
Case study by BlackRock
Case study
Using the SDGs to source contrarian investment opportunities
Case study by Inherent Group
Technical guide
ESG incorporation in hedge funds p4/4
Menu styles Menu Module III - Investment process Integration of ESG factors into portfolio construction, investment process and stewardship practices may be driven by client values, regulation or evidence that ESG factors are correlated to security performance and financial returns (see Module I). ...
Technical guide
ESG incorporation in hedge funds p3/4
HighlightBox CSS Menu styles Menu Responsible investment approaches for hedge funds This section looks at all stages of the investment process and draws on other PRI and industry guidance to provide suggested approaches. It is divided into four modules: Module I: RI ...
Technical guide
ESG incorporation in hedge funds
This guide provides a suggested framework for fund managers and asset owners to incorporate ESG factors into hedge fund strategies.
Technical guide
ESG incorporation in hedge funds p2/4
Highlight box CSS Menu styles Menu Background This section provides an overview of responsible investment and its application to the hedge fund industry. It also outlines three key drivers (regulation, materiality and client demand) and the relevance to hedge fund managers and those allocating ...
Engagement guide
Engaging on ESG risk in the supply chain: what's next?
Risks presented by ESG factors in supply chains are constantly emerging.
News and press
PRI releases hedge funds due diligence questionnaire (RI DDQ)
The Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) today announced the launch of the first industry-standard due diligence questionnaire (RI DDQ) for hedge funds to focus on responsible investments.
Thought leadership
Incorporating responsible investment in hedge funds
Investors are beginning to incorporate responsible investing criteria in their hedge fund allocations. Forward-thinking hedge fund managers already apply responsible investment practices and some have done so for years.