All Governance issues articles – Page 8
Engagement guide
Engaging on anti-bribery and corruption
Corruption remains one of the world’s greatest challenges. For businesses, corruption impedes economic growth, distorts competition and represents serious legal and reputational risks. The PRI provides guidance on how investors can assess and engage with investee companies to improve anti-corruption practices and reduce risks.
Proxy access in the USA
Scott Zdrazil (New York City Comptroller) joins the PRI’s Olivia Mooney to discuss the development of proxy access in the USA. This includes an overview of the Boardroom Accountability Project, the company response so far and advice for investors on how to engage on the issue.
Engagement guide
How to integrate ESG issues into executive pay: a review of utilities and extractives
Research and insights on the extent to which ESG factors are incorporated into pay design in the utilities and extractives sectors
Engagement guide
Why and how to engage on corporate tax responsibility
The business case for responsible investors to explore the long-term implications of tax-related risks is multifaceted.
Engagement guide
Engaging on corporate tax responsibility: what's next?
Investors should be asking companies for better disclosure on their tax practices, to further understand if and how companies and their boards identify and respond to taxrelated risks, and government and other stakeholders’ expectations.
Engagement guide
How to conduct a collaborative engagement
Once an investor group has identified one or more ESG issues and agreed to engage collaboratively to address them, the process of collaborative shareholder dialogue with companies typically follows a series of stages.
Engagement guide
The foundations of a collaborative engagement
Typically, engagement begins when one or more investors identifies an issue or specific ESG risk relating to a particular company or sector, and does some initial research to determine whether there is a business case for the company to take steps to respond.
Engagement guide
Overview of collaborative engagement
Collaborative shareholder engagement occurs when a group of institutional investors come together to engage in dialogue with companies on environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues.
Engagement guide
Getting started with collaborative engagement
Engagement is the process through which investors use their influence to encourage companies they invest in to improve their management of ESG issues.
Engagement guide
Integrating ESG issues into executive pay
The recent focus on executive remuneration has demonstrated the challenges for investors to assess complex pay packages and corporate performance. Existing remuneration plans for senior executives do not necessarily promote sustainable value creation for their companies.