All Governance issues articles – Page 7
OECD BEPS project and country-by-country reporting
Richard Murphy, a chartered accountant, political economist, and co-founder of the Tax Justice Network, joins PRI’s Vaishnavi Ravishankar to discuss the OECD’s BEPS project with a particular focus on Action 13 and country-by-country reporting. Together, they unpack the concept by discussing the merits as well as challenges associated with requirements.
Case study
Case study: understanding lobbying practices as part of carbon risk management
Case study by GES International
Case study
Climate lobbying case study: ExxonMobil - perspective from Walden Asset Management
Case study by Walden Asset Management
Engagement guide
Converging on climate lobbying: aligning corporate practice with investor expectations
Investors are increasingly scrutinising corporate engagement on climate policy as it plays a critical role in helping governments create practical climate policy solutions. However, corporate engagement on climate policy is a double-edged sword.
Engagement guide
Evaluating and engaging on corporate tax transparency: An investor guide
This report serves as an investor tool for engagements on tax, drawing on key trends and gaps observed in the current status of corporate income tax disclosure practices.
Academic research
Introduction to how ESG engagement creates value for investors and companies
A growing number of investors are undertaking corporate engagement and exercising their rights as shareholders to influence corporate behaviour.
Academic research
How ESG engagement creates value for investors and companies
There is growing evidence that engagement by investors with companies on ESG issues can create shareholder value.
PRI Web Page
Engaging with companies on cyber security
Cyber attacks can compromise customer information, operational systems and sensitive business data such as financial data, supplier details and intellectual property.
PRI in Person 2017 - Reinventing remuneration: making executive pay work
Many stakeholders now recognise that current models of remuneration are not working and that a fundamental overhaul is needed. But there are still many open questions: in this session, we will debate the answers.
PRI in Person 2017 - ESG snapshots: issues to watch in 2018
This session will briefly explore a series of trends and emerging ESG issues across sectors. Issues to be discussed will include deforestation and its link to cattle production, the impact of sugar on health, blockchain, and the recent phenomenon of fake news. Delegates can expect an interactive session which will ...
PRI in Person 2017 - Cyber security: empowering the investor
This session will provide an introduction to cyber security, and identify the key questions that investors should ask.
News and press
Proxy season 2017: analysing the trends
With the 2017 proxy season now complete, it is time to take stock of the outcomes, analyse the voting trends and learn lessons for next year.
Engagement guide
Engaging on director nominations
Director nominations and elections represent some of the most fundamental ownership rights for shareholders – namely the right to appoint and remove members of a company board to represent their interests in promoting long-term value creation.
Corporate tax responsibility
Robert Wilson (MFS Investment Management) joins the PRI’s Athanasia Karananou to discuss the issue of tax and why this matters to investors. This covers Robert’s work as part of a PRI-led investor taskforce to explore and engage on the issue of corporate tax responsibility.
Corporate climate lobbying in the U.S.
Kathy Mulvey (Union of Concerned Scientists) joins the PRI’s Paul Chandler to discuss why corporate lobbying on climate change matters to investors, as well as the findings from UCS’ new report: The Climate Accountability Scorecard - Ranking Major Fossil Fuel Companies on Climate Deception, Disclosure, and Action.
Responsible investment news roundup - October 2016
Five-minute roundup of the latest responsible investment and ESG news. This month’s topics include the flurry of recent global climate deals, Yahoo’s data breach, gender diversity in mining and Morningstar’s new sustainability indices.
Corporate ownership transparency
Secret or anonymously-owned companies pose a number of risks to shareholders - both financial and non-financial. This is primarily due to the difficulty in identifying the actual (“beneficial”) owners. Eryn Schornick (Global Witness) joins the PRI’s Olivia Mooney to discuss the issue, as well as the tools available to investors ...