All Fracking articles
Engagement guide
Why engage on fracking?
With existing fracking operations globally and a potential surge in regions such as China, fracking remains important to investors that hold global oil and gas companies with market exposure.
Engagement guide
Recommendations for future investor engagement on fracking
PRI research and evidence from the Disclosing the Facts report have identified that companies are gradually improving their disclosure on fracking practices.
Engagement guide
Investor engagement on fracking: Water use and quality
An abundant and continuous supply of water is essential to reducing the risks to operational production and a company’s reputation.
Engagement guide
Investor engagement on fracking: Greenhouse gases and other air emissions
Greenhouse gas emissions are released at various stages in the fracking process including drilling, fracking operations and transportation.
Engagement guide
Investor engagement on fracking: Community impact and consultation
Local communities can experience negative environmental and social impacts from fracking, which can result in reputational risks and affect a company’s social license to operate.
Engagement guide
Engaging oil and gas companies on fracking
Prior to engaging companies on fracking, investors should establish the company’s starting point and consider its operating environment.
Case study
Case study: Fracking practices at oil and gas companies
As part of the PRI Fracking Engagement, a group of PRI investor signatories – led by Martin Currie, a UK-based investment manager – engaged with an Asian oil and gas company.
Engagement guide
Evolving risks and opportunities in fracking
Despite production of oil and gas from fracked wells soaring, the global oil and gas industry has been slowly decreasing overall production owing to declining oil prices in recent years.
Engagement guide
Engaging with oil and gas companies on fracking: an investor guide
The production of oil and gas via hydraulic fracturing (fracking) remains important and yet can be viewed as a contentious method in some regions, with community controversies, bans and moratoria in different areas.