All Fixed income articles – Page 6
Blog post
CEO quarterly update: celebrating 4000 signatories and supporting the evolution of RI
By Fiona Reynolds, CEO, PRI
Workshop summary
ESG in credit risk: Workshop with borrowers in the chemical sector
Credit analysts met with seven companies from the chemical sector to discuss energy usage and targets, plastics recycling and the need to transition to a sustainable economy.
Blog post
Do index funds monitor their portfolio firms?
By Davidson Heath and Matthew Ringgenberg, University of Utah Eccles School of Business; Daniele Macciocchi, University of Miami Herbert Business School and Roni Michaely, Hong Kong University and ECGI.
Social factors as a credit risk: the example of the pharmaceutical industry
This webinar explores how social factors can affect credit risk analysis, using the pharmaceutical industry as an example, given its high exposure to social risks related to customer relations, responsible production, equal access to products and services, demographic and societal trends.
ESG in Securitised Products: The Challenges Ahead
This webinar will explore to what extent investors consider ESG factors when investing in securitised products.
Workshop summary
ESG in credit risk: Workshop with sub-investment grade borrowers (Part 3)
Credit analysts met with seven companies from the transport and healthcare sectors to discuss ESG engagement and disclosure in the high-yield market. Discussions centred around the need for standardised data and the role of third-party ESG ratings providers.
News and press
The ASCOR Project: Assessing Sovereign Climate-related Opportunities and Risks
Asset owners, BT Pension Scheme and the Church of England Pensions Board, alongside the UN-convened Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance (AOA), the Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economies (Ceres), the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC), the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), the Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) are, supported by Chronos ...
Discussion paper
ESG incorporation in securitised products: The challenges ahead
ESG incorporation in securitised products lags other fixed income sub-asset classes and is in its infancy – largely due to the complex nature of the market. However, investor interest is growing.
Workshop summary
ESG in credit risk: Workshop with borrowers in the food value chain
Credit analysts met with eleven companies from the food value chain to discuss deforestation as it affects soft commodities like palm oil, soy and cattle. Discussions focused on establishing the connection between good ESG practices and cheaper debt.
PRI reporting analysis
The evolution of responsible investment: an analysis of advanced signatory practices
This report delves into which practices have shifted to become the norm, and which ones remain advanced, suggesting that they are more challenging to implement.
Introductory guide
An introduction to responsible investment: stewardship
This introductory guide explains the importance and relevance of stewardship within responsible investment and outlines the stewardship tools investors can incorporate into policies, processes and practices.
Workshop summary
ESG in credit risk: Workshop with borrowers in the mining sector
Credit analysts met with four mining companies to discuss the sector’s transition from a ‘dirty industry’ facing multiple ESG risks, to a more sustainable business model. Discussions focused on analysts’ and companies’ differing assessments of the issues that pose the biggest financial risks.
Case study
Creating an ESG framework for multi-strategy hedge fund manager research
Case study by BlackRock
Deforestation as a credit risk
This webinar looks at deforestation from a credit risk perspective, by exploring how it may affect the probability of default of a debt issuer or of an issue, with various participants of the investment chain.
Workshop summary
ESG in credit risk: Workshop with sub-investment grade borrowers (Part 2a)
Credit analysts met with 20 companies in a range of sectors to discuss ESG engagement and disclosure in the high-yield market. This is the first of two linked reports covering different aspects of their discussions.
Workshop summary
ESG in credit risk: Workshop with sub-investment grade borrowers (Part 2b)
Credit analysts met with 20 companies in a range of sectors to discuss ESG engagement and disclosure in the high-yield market. This is the second of two linked reports covering different aspects of their discussions.
PRI Canada: Fixed Income Deep Dive & New Reporting Insight
Join us to learn more about the great work our fixed income team has been doing, review best practices, and discuss what fixed income reporting looks like in the new reporting framework.
Governance assessment: a similar approach for equities vs. debt investors?
Governance evaluation is prominent in ESG analysis and security pricing. During this webinar, we will explore whether and to what extent governance factors are assessed differently by equity and fixed income investors, including relevant metrics.
Blog post
Responsible fixed income investment – investors are starting to catch up
By Carmen Nuzzo, Head of Fixed Income, PRI, and Jonathan Jones, Analyst, Fixed income, PRI