All Fixed income articles – Page 12

  • Smoke global warming and climate changing 90829142 copy

    Climate strategies for corporate bond investors


    The PRI, BNP Paribas IP and The 2° Investing Initiative discuss climate strategy methodologies for corporate bond investors

  • Blog post

    How ESG investing affects financial performance


    Integrating ESG factors is beneficial for investment decision making. Increasing numbers of asset owners and investors can agree on this, but there is a growing realisation that deeper analysis is required.

  • Statement (002)
    PRI Web Page

    Statement on ESG in credit risk and ratings (available in different languages)

    By signing the ESG in credit risk and ratings statement, credit rating agencies and fixed income investors commit to incorporating ESG into credit ratings and analysis in a systematic and transparent way. To date, the statement is supported by more than 180 investors (with over US$40trn in collective AUM) and ...

  • PRI Web Page

    负责任投资原则”(PRI)关于信用评级中的 ESG声明


  • Fixed income investor guide
    Technical guide

    Fixed income investor guide


    The Fixed income investor guide summarises the unique characteristics of fixed income with its various subcategories of issuers and instruments. It helps to explain why fixed income investors should take a bottom-up approach to RI while borrowing from the experiences of other asset classes, such as listed equities.

  • Technical guide

    Integrating ESG factors into issuer analysis


    In fixed income, a key application for ESG information is to inform analysis of issuer creditworthiness. ESG issues, such as corruption or climate change, are potential risks to macro factors that may affect an issuer’s ability to repay its debt.

  • fixedincomeinvestor
    Technical guide

    Integrating ESG factors into sovereign issuer analysis


    Based on discussions and presentations with the PRI fixed income sovereign working group, this report is a primer that provides an initial conceptual framework exploring ESG issues that might be material to sovereign bond risk assessments and pricing (2014).

  • External environmental costs for different sectors
    Technical guide

    Integrating ESG factors into corporate issuer analysis


    Analyses of governance factors such as remuneration and financial auditing are common among bond investors, but few systematically integrate a wide range of ESG factors into credit analysis.

  • Technical guide

    ESG screening in fixed income investing


    Fixed income investors apply ESG filters or screens to their investment universe to control which issuers or securities are considered for investment. This is an effective way of ensuring their investments are aligned with their (client’s) ethical motivations and reduces reputational risks.

  • Proportion of PRI signatories engaging with issuers on ESG management (2014)
    Technical guide

    Engaging issuers on ESG issues


    Debt and equity holders both stand to benefit financially from successful engagements, as ESG-related risks are mitigated and opportunities maximised.

  • Growth of green bonds issuance 2007–2014
    Technical guide

    Themed fixed income investing


    Investment products such as green bonds are seen by many as a way of addressing ESG risks such as climate change and water scarcity.

  • Technical guide

    Embedding responsible investment into the fixed income investment process


    There are a number of fundamental building blocks, regardless of asset class, that all investors should consider when setting their organisation up to implement responsible investment.

  • CorporateBonds
    Technical guide

    Corporate bonds: spotlight on ESG risks


    In light of the 2008 financial crisis, which led to a loss of confidence in the underlying structure and operation of international financial markets, this publication is intended for corporate bondholders to explore ESG issues and determine whether they are material to creditworthiness and investment performance.

  • sovbondspotlight
    Technical guide

    Sovereign bonds: spotlight on ESG risks


    Drawing on information disclosed through the PRI’s reporting data and interviews to its signatories this document represents one of the first attempts to show how ESG factors can be material to the creditworthiness and investment performance of sovereign bonds (2013).