All Fixed income articles – Page 11
Engagement guide
Collaborative engagement in fixed income investing
Principle 5 of the six Principles encourages collaboration by investors to enhance the effectiveness of their responsible investment approach.
News and press
The PRI examines how ESG engagement can benefit fixed income investors
As part of the PRI’s commitment to provide further guidance on responsible investment practices in specific asset classes, it has today launched ESG Engagement for Fixed Income Investors: Managing Risks, Enhancing Returns, which shows that bondholders are increasingly engaging on environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors in order to better ...
Engagement guide
Defining objectives and measuring the effectiveness of engagement in fixed income
Once the list of target companies has been defined, investors need to set objectives and track the outcomes of their engagement practices to ensure their effectiveness.
Engagement guide
Tips for effective bondholder engagement
In this section, we present a summary of practical tips for effective bondholder engagement.
Engagement guide
Engagement trends among fixed income investors
This section considers ESG engagement trends among fixed income investors before giving guidance on the practical aspects of bondholder engagement.
Engagement guide
Prioritising fixed income engagement activities
Investors with exposure to hundreds or thousands of different issuers may only be able to meaningfully and proactively engage a small proportion of those issuers.
Engagement guide
ESG engagement for fixed income investors
Principle 2 of the six Principles encourages investors to be active stewards of their investments and incorporate ESG factors into their ownership policies and practices across different asset classes.
Engagement guide
Why engage as a fixed income investor?
Investors typically engage with companies and other types of issuers to identify, monitor and manage risks to their investment returns. In signing up to the PRI, investors affirm that ESG factors can have a material impact on those returns.
Responsible investment in fixed income: event highlights
The importance of ESG issues in assessing fixed income assets and the latest developments in ESG incorporation were hotly debated in San Francisco at our first full-day fixed income conference.
San Francisco panel on ESG in credit risk
The PRI discusses with representatives from CRAs (Moody’s Investors Service and S&P Global Ratings), investors (Barings and PIMCO) and a bond issuer (NRG) the challenges of ESG in credit risk during a panel session at the San Francisco conference on Responsible Investment in Fixed Income this January.
ESG engagement for fixed income investors: managing risks, enhancing returns
The PRI, Hermes Investment Management and M&G discuss ESG engagement among fixed income investors.
ESG in credit risk and ratings: part 1 - the state of play
The PRI, BlueBay Asset Management and S&P Global Ratings discuss the state of play of integrating ESG factors in credit risk analysis.
Thought leadership
ESG, credit risk and ratings: part 1 - the state of play
Investors and credit rating agencies (CRAs) are ramping up efforts to consider environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors in credit risk analysis.
Thought leadership
Why ESG factors matter in credit risk analysis
Climate change, corporate scandals and the devastating effects of the global financial crisis are all stark reminders of why oversight, lack of transparency and accountability can negatively affect fixed income market pricing, volatility and, ultimately, financial stability.
Thought leadership
Understanding credit ratings and ESG factors
It is important to understand what credit ratings actually measure, even if investors are familiar with credit rating agency rating scales: risks that affect fixed income instruments extend beyond credit risk, which is associated with the default probability of a borrower.
Thought leadership
What rating agencies are doing on ESG factors
ESG factors are not completely new to credit analysis
Thought leadership
How investors are approaching ESG factors and credit risk
A majority of PRI signatories say they use some form of ESG approach when investing in FI instruments, but ESG consideration is still far from being an integral element of the credit assessment process.
Thought leadership
Materiality and visibility of ESG factors in credit risk analysis
Many investors believe that CRAs should take a more proactive approach to highlighting ESG considerations in their analysis.
Thought leadership
Environmental issues gaining traction
The COP21 Paris Agreement has contributed to renewed focus on environmental factors. Climate-related risks could diminish or increase, depending on how countries implement legislation and policies to fulfil their nationally determined contributions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Thought leadership
Communication and transparency
Many of the hurdles in the way of systematic and transparent incorporation of ESG factors in credit ratings and analysis can be ascribed to how credit risk-related information is conveyed.