All Fiduciary duty articles
Thought leadership
Building on Fiduciary Duty in the 21st Century: A Legal Framework for Impact
With the debate about whether fiduciary duty requires investors to integrate material ESG issues in their investment decisions now settled, the Legal Framework for Impact research report addresses fundamental legal questions about the pursuit of better real-world sustainability outcomes.
Blog post
Quarterly Signatory Update: Adapting the PRI to a changing world
By David Atkin, CEO, Principles for Responsible Investment
Policy report
Policy briefing: Unlocking the Potential of Shareholder Voting in China
This briefing focuses on shareholder voting in China. It makes policy recommendations to help mobilise institutional investors to exercise their voting rights more effectively and responsibly for the purpose of securing and enhancing overall long-term value for clients or beneficiaries.
PRI in Person 2022: Breakout 2A - Committed to net zero: tackling key implementation challenges
This session will tackle challenges around implementing net zero commitments featuring case studies, guidance and collaboration across the finance sector including through the initiatives in the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero.
News and press
Development of sustainable finance policy in France
The Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), in partnership with Finance for Tomorrow and the Forum pour l’Investissement Responsable (FIR), has published a roadmap to further promote the development of sustainable finance policy in France.
Policy report
Sustainable finance policy roadmap: France
The Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), in partnership with Finance for Tomorrow and the Forum pour l’Investissement Responsable (FIR), has published a roadmap to further promote the development of sustainable finance policy in France.
Case study
Manulife Investment Management: enhancing gender diversity in Chinese holdings
Case study by Manulife Investment Management
Case study
Southern Asset Management: fixed income engagement in the Chinese context
Case study by Southern Asset Management (SAM)
Thought leadership
European Union: Empowering investors to pursue sustainability goals
New measures are needed to enable mainstream EU investors to pursue environmental and social goals
Blog post
Missing link: the role of stewardship in EU policy
By Margarita Pirovska, Director of Policy, and Paul Chandler, Director of Stewardship, the PRI
Blog post
US PRI signatories support mandatory climate & ESG disclosure
By Gregory Hershman, Senior Specialist, US Policy, PRI
Introductory guide
An introduction to responsible investment: stewardship
This introductory guide explains the importance and relevance of stewardship within responsible investment and outlines the stewardship tools investors can incorporate into policies, processes and practices.
Thought leadership
The modern interpretation of fiduciary duty
The integration of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues is an increasingly standard part of the regulatory and legal requirements for institutional investors, along with requirements to consider the sustainability-related preferences of their clients and beneficiaries.
PRI Web Page
About the Fiduciary Duty in the 21st Century programme
An extensive research and policy engagement programme to end the debate on whether fiduciary duty is a legitimate barrier to the integration of environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues in investment practice and decision-making.
ESG and alpha in China
Evidence demonstrates ESG incorporation outperforms traditional benchmarks in China
Fiduciary duty in the 21st century – from a legal case to regulatory clarification around ESG
Fiduciary duty in the 21st century, a collaboration between the PRI and UNEP FI with generous financial support from The Generation Foundation, contributes an extensive evidence base to end the debate on whether fiduciary duty is a legitimate barrier to the integration of environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues in ...
Thought leadership
Fiduciary duty in the 21st century final report
This report describes how the integration of economic, social and governance (ESG) issues into investment practice and decision making is an increasingly standard part of the regulatory and legal requirements for institutional investors, along with requirements to consider the sustainability-related preferences of their clients and beneficiaries.
ESG data in China: recommendations for primary ESG indicators
This report aims to provide recommendations for China’s future, mandatory environmental, social and governance (ESG) disclosure framework, prepared by its financial regulators.