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PRI reporting analysis
Inside PRI data: Investment manager practices
There are many responsible investment practices that are now widely practised among the PRI’s investment manager signatories. A large majority publish core policies and have executive oversight of their implementation.
Workshop summary
Human rights in private markets: preventing and mitigating negative outcomes
Key points from a workshop on 15 September 2022 where private markets industry participants discussed how to prevent and mitigate negative human rights outcomes.
Workshop summary
Human rights in private markets: identifying and assessing negative human rights outcomes
Key points from a workshop held on 30 June 2022 where private markets industry participants discussed how to identify and assess negative human rights outcomes.
Technical guide
Incorporating climate change in private markets: An investor resource guide
A guide on the publicly available resources and initiatives available for direct and indirect private equity and real assets equity investors to help them incorporate climate change considerations in their investment process.
Climate change initiatives for private markets investors
Various initiatives have formed to offer guidance and support for investor action towards positive climate change outcomes. This page highlights key initiatives and their resources. css Tab system
Blog post
Putting Indigenous leadership at the heart of Canada’s just transition
Kelly Krauter, Senior Policy Analyst, Canada, PRI
Case study
Sustainalytics - 10 for 2021 - Investing in the Circular Food Economy
Case study by Sustainalytics
Climate change resources for private markets investors
Resources aimed at increasing investor education and awareness on climate change have proliferated as the topic has grown in importance in recent years. On this page, we highlight a range, by no means exhaustive, of key resources in this area, produced by both the PRI and external authors.
PRI Web Page
Roundtable: Human rights in private markets investing
A core focus of the PRI’s work in 2021 is to support investors in understanding and engaging on their human rights risks and impacts.
Blog post
Launching the climate hub for private markets
By Peter Dunbar, CFA, Senior Specialist, PRI and Simon Whistler, Senior Specialist, PRI
Technical guide
TCFD for real assets investors
Implementing the recommendations of the Taskforce for Climate-related Financial Disclosures in physical assets like property, infrastructure, forestry and farmland.
Engagement guide
From farm to table: ensuring fair labour practices in agricultural supply chains p4/4
Collaboration by investors can lead to improvement in corporate performance.
Engagement guide
From farm to table: Ensuring fair labour practices in agricultural supply chains p3/4
This section provides the findings for each area assessed in the engagement, based on the classification of indicators as basic, standard and leading.
Engagement guide
From farm to table: ensuring fair labour practices in agricultural supply chains p2/4
Over the course of the second phase of the engagement, we found continuous and steady improvement across all sectors regarding labour practices in agricultural supply chains.
Engagement guide
From farm to table: ensuring fair labour practices in agricultural supply chains
Results from the PRI collaborative engagement 2017-19
Case study
PRI Awards 2019 case study: Coller FAIRR Protein Producer Index
Company: FAIRR HQ: UK Category: ESG Research Report of the Year (shortlisted)
Case study
PRI Awards 2019 case study: Platform Living Wage Financials
Company: MN (on behalf of the PLWF) HQ: Netherlands Category: Active Ownership Project of the Year (winner)